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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 The Quest to Conserve Rare Breeds
 The Quest to Conserve Rare Breeds

 Автор: Lawrence Alderson

  Since the middle of the twentieth century the world has witnessed a succession of political and social disruptions. Globalisation, technological advancement, climate change, human migration, war and conflict – all have caused major worldwide upheavals.
In this light, it's unsurprising that conservation of rare breed animals has been neglected. Yet the preservation of these genetic resources – this biological diversity – is an essent
 Pig Keeping - Housing, Feeding and General Management
 Pig Keeping - Housing, Feeding and General Management

 Автор: W. D. Peck

  This book is a complete guide to all aspects of pig keeping. Full of practical advice, instruction, and useful diagrams and photos, it focuses mainly on the three most important aspects of pig keeping – Housing, Feeding and General Management. Contents Include : Policies in Perspective Choosing the System Housing Pig Keeping Equipment Feeding in Theory Feeding In Practice Feeding A Matter of Choice Breeding Better Pigs Management Breeding Stock
 Advances in poultry genetics and genomics
 Advances in poultry genetics and genomics

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Particular focus on improving functional traits needed for more resilient poultry breeds Comprehensive coverage of key advances in genomic selection and their practical application in breeding improved breeds of layers and broilers Looks forward to emerging trends such as the use of epigenetics and genome editing

 Improving rumen function
 Improving rumen function

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Major advances in analytical techniques and genomics have transformed our understanding of rumen microbiology. This understanding is of critical importance to livestock production since rumen function affects nutritional efficiency, emissions from ruminants (such as methane and nitrous oxide) as well as animal health. This collection reviews what we know about rumen microbiota and the role of nutritional strategies in optimising their function f
 Communist Pigs
 Communist Pigs

 Автор: Thomas Fleischman

  The pig played a fundamental role in the German Democratic Republic’s attempts to create and sustain a modern, industrial food system built on communist principles. By the mid-1980s, East Germany produced more pork per capita than West Germany and the UK, while also suffering myriad unintended consequences of this centrally planned practice: manure pollution, animal disease, and rolling food shortages. The pig is an incredibly adaptive

 Автор: О. В. Зеленина
 Год: 2020

  Учебное пособие содержит теоретический материал и задания для практических занятий по дисциплине «Пчеловодство», включает семь разделов: значение, история, современное состояние отрасли пчеловодства: биология пчелиной семьи; научные основы разведения и содержания пчелиных семей; племенная работа в пчеловодстве; кормовая база пчеловодства и опыление энтомофильных культур пчелами; продукты пчеловодства: болезни и вредители пчел. Пособие составлен
 Бега, скачки и не только. Путь зоотехника
 Бега, скачки и не только. Путь зоотехника

 Автор: Евгений Евстафьев
 Год: 2019

  Мало кто из поступающих на зоофак любого учебного заведения может представить себе, чем же конкретно он будет заниматься. Особенно это касается специализации по коневодству, настолько разнообразным может стать применение знаний о лошади. А большую часть этих знаний нам предстоит осваивать уже самостоятельно, в течение всей жизни, критически осмысливая свой и чужой практический опыт. Для меня этот опыт был более чем разнообразным и не всегда поле
 Sustainable Animal Agriculture
 Sustainable Animal Agriculture

 Автор: Группа авторов

  In order to meet increasing global demand for meat and animal by-products increasingly intensive animal production is necessary. Creating a sustainable system in animal agriculture that works in different production environments is a major challenge for animal scientists. This book draws together themes on sustainability that have emerged as the most pressing in recent years. Addressing practical topics such as air quality, manure management, an
 Way of Life, A: Sheepdog Training, Handling and Trialling
 Way of Life, A: Sheepdog Training, Handling and Trialling

 Автор: Barbara C. Collins

  Whether you want a dog, want to farm, want to compete, or just want to know, Sheepdog Training is an enlightening read from Glyn Jones, a third-generation expert sheepdog handler. Speaking from experience, the story of his life serves as an integral component of his advice on training, handling, trailing, breeding, competing, and more. Learn a compassionate, dog-centered approach to raising and training herding dogs, all while gaining an appreci
Показано 28 - 36 (всего 43 позиций)
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