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Рыбное хозяйство

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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Рыбное хозяйство

Рыбное хозяйство является одной из важнейших отраслей аквакультуры, которая играет важную роль в обеспечении населения качественными и питательными продуктами. Оно также является основным источником дохода для многих стран, способствуя созданию рабочих мест и повышению экономического благополучия. ... Читать полностью

 Fly Fishing For Dummies
 Fly Fishing For Dummies

 Автор: Peter Kaminsky
 Fishing For Dummies
 Fishing For Dummies

 Автор: Greg Schwipps

  Catch the fish you want, and more of them Choose the right gear and the right locations to fish Get the whole family involved safely Get hooked on a lifelong hobby Millions of folks find fishing relaxing, challenging, entertaining…and a great way to spice up dinner. This 3rd edition of the top-selling guidebook shows you everything you need to know about the necessary gear, where different kinds of fish hang out, what types of bait and lures t
 Fishing For Dummies
 Fishing For Dummies

 Автор: Greg Schwipps

 The Total Outdoorsman Manual
 The Total Outdoorsman Manual

 Автор: T. Edward Nickens

  The Total Outdoorsman Manual is the ultimate guide book for the outdoors enthusiast, packed with hundreds of practical tips and techniques from T. Edward Nickens and the experts at Field & Stream magazine, that is guaranteed to improve your hunting, fishing, camping and survival skills.
With practical information for both the beginner and advanced outdoorsman, the book is an authoritative, comprehensive, and entertaining guide that w
 Total Redneck Manual
 Total Redneck Manual

 Автор: T. Edward Nickens

  Do you keep a few favorite squirrel recipes committed to memory? Know by heart the way to the best deer stand on Grandpa's 20-acre farm? Have an old tractor rusting in the back field, because you just might need the parts one day? You're not alone. So do the authors of The Total Redneck Manual.
Whether you’re winching your truck out of a mud hole, packing in a good dip, or teaching your bird dog to fetch a beer from the mini-fr
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 The Total Fishing Manual

 Автор: Группа авторов

  GEAR UP How to pick the best lures, baits, flies, and tackle for every situation and every style of water you plan to fish. Customize your rod and reel to suit your every need. Learn how to customize your gear, get the most out of your boat, and more.
HIT THE WATER From small streams to major rivers, ponds to big lakes, and bays to the open ocean, hundreds of field-tested strategies will help you catch more fish with or without a boat.
 Outdoor Life: Hunting & Gathering Survival Manual
 Outdoor Life: Hunting & Gathering Survival Manual

 Автор: Tim MacWelch

  The modern hunter-gatherer's manual for learning important wilderness skills, surviving tough situations, and getting back to the land. Harvest nature's bounty and turn it into a gourmet meal; hunt and fish in the wild, with weapons or with your own two hands; and prepare for any outdoor adventure or emergency, whether you're lost in the woods or in need of herbal medicine. This book identifies it all, with step-by-step instructio
 Field & Stream Skills Guide: Fishing
 Field & Stream Skills Guide: Fishing

 Автор: T. Edward Nickens

  With practical advice for fly-fishing, baitcasting, spinning and even noodling, this handy guide offers over 100 hints on gear, knots, boating, and finding where even the stealthiest fish are hiding. Fishermen from the dedicated weekend angler to summer dabblers rely on Field & Stream for the best insider information, and this book delivers.
 Seawomen of Iceland
 Seawomen of Iceland

 Автор: Margaret Willson

  Finalist for the 2017 Washington State Book Award in General Nonfiction / HistoryThe plaque said this was the winter fishing hut of Thuridur Einarsdottir, one of Iceland's greatest fishing captains, and that she lived from 1777 to 1863."Wait," anthropologist and former seawoman Margaret Willson said. «She??»So began a quest. Were there more Icelandic seawomen? Most Icelanders said no, and, after all, in most parts of the world fishing is co
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