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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Зарубежная старинная литература

Зарубежная старинная литература – это неисчерпаемый источник удивительных историй, мудрых мыслей и пронзительных эмоций. Каждая эпоха в развитии литературы приносила свои уникальные творения, открывая перед нами новые эстетические и философские горизонты. От древнегреческой поэзии до шедевров Возрождения и Романтизма – каждая эпоха преподносит свои жемчужины литературы, которые до сих пор восхищают читателей своей глубиной и актуальностью. ... Читать полностью

 Японские сказки
 Японские сказки

 Автор: Сборник

  Япония самая загадочная и непонятная для европейцев страна мира. Для того, чтобы лучше понять древние традиции, обычаи и философию этой великой державы нам на помощь, кроме многочисленных лекций, туристических пособий и советов бывалых путешественников, придут сказки. Ведь именно в них отражается вся вековая мудрость японского народа, особенности быта, характера и даже одежды. Поэтичные, оригинальные, неординарные сюжеты японских сказок погрузят
 Рай: Потерянный рай. Возвращенный рай
 Рай: Потерянный рай. Возвращенный рай

 Автор: Джон Мильтон

  «Потерянный рай» – гениальная поэма Мильтона, благодаря которой он стал одним из известнейших английских поэтов своего времени. Поэма основана на библейском сюжете падения человека и изгнания его из Рая. Как писал Мильтон в Книге Первой, его цель состояла в том, чтобы оправдать путь Бога людям (в оригинале «justify the ways of God to men»). «Возвращенный рай» является продолжением «Потерянного рая». Поэма повествует об искушении Иисуса Христа Са
 Little Bun Rabbit
 Little Bun Rabbit

 Автор: Лаймен Фрэнк Баум

  Who knew Dorothy could speak rabbit? A delightful Christmas story to read with your children This charming Christmas story was published in L. Frank Baum's first children's book, Mother Goose in Prose (1897), illustrated by Maxfield Parrish. Dorothy meets a shy little bunny at the edge of the forest and the little fuzzy has some interesting stories to tell her: stories of visiting the North Pole and taking a ride in Santa's Sleigh! Can it be t

 A Kidnapped Santa Claus
 A Kidnapped Santa Claus

 Автор: Лаймен Фрэнк Баум

  "A Kidnapped Santa Claus" is a Christmas-themed short story by American writer L. Frank Baum; it has been called «„one of Baum's most beautiful stories“» and constitutes an influential contribution to the mythology of Christmas. "A Kidnapped Santa Claus" was first published in the December 1904 edition of The Delineator, the women's magazine that would print Baum's Animal Fairy Tales in the following year. The magazine text was «„ad
 The Christmas Mistake
 The Christmas Mistake

 Автор: Люси Мод Монтгомери

  Linda Grant, beset by medical bills and other pressing obligations, tells her children that they will not be celebrating Christmas this year. Older Keith takes the news in stride, while younger Teddy angrily insists he will have his Christmas turkey one way or another. When the neighborhood schoolteacher drops by to extend an invitation to Christmas dinner from Cornelia Millar, Linda's estranged cousin, it begins to look as if Christmas will hap
 Christmas At Red Butte
 Christmas At Red Butte

 Автор: Люси Мод Монтгомери

  “Christmas at Red Butte” – it is one of Lucy Maud Montgomery's short stories, and can most likely be found in one of her short story collections, which would be a better value. Christmas at Red Butte is about an orphaned girl, Theodora, who sacrifices her one family memento so her cousins can have Christmas. What will Christmas bring? I particularly appreciated the tight plotting, in which Theodora is not only rewarded for her act of selflessne
 A Christmas Inspiration
 A Christmas Inspiration

 Автор: Люси Мод Монтгомери

  “A Christmas Inspiration” is a short Christmas story first published in 1901. It is a wonderful story written by world-famous Canadian author L. M. Montgomery. As in the most of her Christmas story in this one Montgomery emphasizes the place of simple human kindness in this holiday. We are glad to present you a classical example of Montgomery's creation! It is highly recommended for anyone who wants to read a beautiful Christmas story! Christm
 The Wind in the Willows
 The Wind in the Willows

 Автор: Kenneth Grahame

  The Wind in the Willows is a children's novel by Scottish novelist Kenneth Grahame, first published in 1908. Alternately slow-moving and fast-paced, it focuses on four anthropomorphised animals (Mole, Rat (a European water vole), Toad, and Badger) in a pastoral version of Edwardian England. The novel is notable for its mixture of mysticism, adventure, morality, and camaraderie, and celebrated for its evocation of the nature of the Thames Valley.
 The Reluctant Dragon
 The Reluctant Dragon

 Автор: Kenneth Grahame

  "The Reluctant Dragon" is an 1898 children's story by Kenneth Grahame, originally published as a chapter in his book Dream Days. It is Grahame's most famous short story, arguably better known than Dream Days itself or the related The Golden Age. It can be seen as a prototype to most modern stories in which the dragon is a sympathetic character rather than a threat. The story takes place in the Berkshire Downs in Oxfordshire (where the author li
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