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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Зарубежная классика
 The Frozen Planet
 The Frozen Planet

 Автор: Keith Laumer

  “It is rather unusual,” Magnan said, “to assign an officer of your rank to courier duty, but this is an unusual mission.”
 The Ambassador
 The Ambassador

 Автор: Sam Merwin, Jr.

  All Earth needed was a good stiff dose of common sense, but its rulers preferred to depend on the highly fallible computers instead. As a consequence, interplanetary diplomatic relations were somewhat strained—until a nimble-witted young man from Mars came up with the answer to the “sixty-four dollar” question.
 The Worlds of Joe Shannon
 The Worlds of Joe Shannon

 Автор: Frank M. Robinson

  Strumming a harp while floating on a white cloud might be Paradise for some people, but it would bore others stiff. Given an unlimited chance to choose your ideal world, what would you specify—palaces or log cabins?

 The Barbarians
 The Barbarians

 Автор: John Sentry

  History was repeating itself; there were moats and nobles in Pennsylvania and vassals in Manhattan and the barbarian hordes were overrunning the land.
 Big Pill
 Big Pill

 Автор: Raymond Z. Gallun

  Child, it was, of the now ancient H-bomb. New. Untested. Would its terrible power sweep the stark Saturnian moon of Titan from space … or miraculously create a flourishing paradise-colony?
 The Dictator
 The Dictator

 Автор: Milton Lesser

  Ellaby’s society was a perfect democracy, where all men were equal. But some still wanted more personal attention, and they got it, like The Dictator.
 The Prayer of the Men of Daleswood
 The Prayer of the Men of Daleswood

 Автор: Lord Dunsany

  “There were only twenty houses in Daleswood. A place you would scarcely have heard of. A village up top of the hills. When the war came there was no more than thirty men there between sixteen and forty-five. They all went.”
 The First Men in the Moon (Rediscovered Books)
 The First Men in the Moon (Rediscovered Books)

 Автор: H. G. Wells

  "As I sit down to write here amidst the shadows of vine-leaves under the blue sky of southern Italy, it comes to me with a certain quality of astonishment that my participation in these amazing adventures of Mr. Cavor was, after all, the outcome of the purest accident. It might have been any one. I fell into these things at a time when I thought myself removed from the slightest possibility of disturbing experiences. I had gone to Lympne be
 The Spirit of the Border
 The Spirit of the Border

 Автор: Zane Grey

  The border needed Wetzel. The settlers would have needed many more years in which to make permanent homes had it not been for him. He was never a pioneer; but always a hunter after Indians. When not on the track of the savage foe, he was in the settlement, with his keen eye and ear ever alert for signs of the enemy. To the superstitious Indians he was a shadow; a spirit of the border, which breathed menace from the dark forests. To the settlers
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