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 Зарубежная классика
 Breaking into Fast Company
 Breaking into Fast Company

 Автор: Zane Grey

  I led my party into Morrisey's private box in the grand stand of the Chicago American League grounds. We had come to see the Rube's break into fast company. My great pitcher, Whittaker Hurtle, the Rube, as we called him, had won the Eastern League Pennant for me that season, and Morrisey, the Chicago magnate, had bought him.
 The Rube's Waterloo
 The Rube's Waterloo

 Автор: Zane Grey

  The Rube has lost his magic touch. Something is taking his mind away from the game. What could be that important?
 The Rube's Pennant
 The Rube's Pennant

 Автор: Zane Grey

  If we lose today, Buffalo, with three games more to play at home, will pull the bunting, I went on. «But they're not going to win! I'm putting it up to you that way. I know Spears is all in; Raddy's arm is gone; Ash is playing on one leg; you're all crippled. But you've got one more game in you, I know. These last few weeks the Rube has been pitching out of turn and he's about all in, too. He's kept us in the l

 The Rube's Honeymoon
 The Rube's Honeymoon

 Автор: Zane Grey

  If the Rube marries Nan—what are we goin' to do? We can't leave him behind. If he takes Nan with us—why it'll be a honeymoon! An' half the gang is stuck on Nan Brown! An' Nan Brown would flirt in her bridal veil! … Why Con, we're up against a worse proposition than ever.
 The Rube
 The Rube

 Автор: Zane Grey

  Never shall I forget my first glimpse of the Rickettsville twirler. He was far over six feet tall and as lean as a fence rail. He had a great shock of light hair, a sunburned, sharp-featured face, wide, sloping shoulders, and arms enormously long. He was about as graceful and had about as much of a baseball walk as a crippled cow.
 The Knocker
 The Knocker

 Автор: Zane Grey

  He’s one of the best ball players in the game, but he’s a knocker. How valuable is the talent of a ball player when he speaks ill of his fellow players?
 Red Shadows
 Red Shadows

 Автор: Robert E. Howard

  The mighty Solomon Kane is introduced to the world in this novella with the words, “Men shall die for this.” And they do, as he wreaks vengeance over the murderous violation of a girl in this gripping and entertaining ride.
 Skyrider (Illustrated Edition)
 Skyrider (Illustrated Edition)

 Автор: B. M. Bower

  "Mary V flipped the rough paper over with so little tenderness that a corner tore in her fingers, but the next page was blank. She made a sound suspiciously like a snort, and threw the tablet down on the littered table of the bunk house. After all, what did she care where they floated-Venus and Johnny Jewel? Riding the sky with Venus when he knew very well that his place was out in the big corral, riding some of those broom-tail bronks that
 Ananias Green
 Ananias Green

 Автор: B. M. Bower

  The boys from the Flying U take some unsuspecting tourists out to see some 'ancient ruins' in this fun short story from B. M. Bower.
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