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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Зарубежная классика
 The Day John Fitzgerald Kennedy Past
 The Day John Fitzgerald Kennedy Past

 Автор: Welby Thomas Cox, Jr.

  The Day John Fitzgerald Kennedy Past is a book about the assassination of President Kennedy on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas. The book covers the rush to judgment by President Lyndon Johnson in order to quell a potential storm by the media and others who suspected a government conspiracy. The case against Lee Harvey Oswald seemed to be open and shut but who was the stranger who entered the Texas Book Depository dressed as a police officer?
 The Popular Girl
 The Popular Girl

 Автор: F. Scott Fitzgerald

  A society girl is enchanted to meet a very rich and eligible young man. No sooner do they meet than her father dies unexpectedly, leaving her impoverished. Too ashamed to admit her situation, she instead invents a fanciful world to convince the bachelor that she is still the popular girl he first met.
 The Four Fists
 The Four Fists

 Автор: F. Scott Fitzgerald

  From boarding school to the business world, a man gets into confrontations that lead to him being punched in the face. But each time he learns something, and that—in turn—leads to great success.

 Flappers and Philosophers
 Flappers and Philosophers

 Автор: F. Scott Fitzgerald

  Flappers and Philosophers was F. Scott Fitzgerald’s first collection. Today Fitzgerald is known primarily for writing the great American novel The Great Gatsby, but during his lifetime he was much better known for his short stories. After reading this wonderful collection you’ll understand why. Few writers have ever been capable of such a breadth of range as Fitzgerald displays here. Witty, cutting, insightful, and charming!
 Early F. Scott Fitzgerald
 Early F. Scott Fitzgerald

 Автор: F. Scott Fitzgerald

  It was clear to anyone who knew F. Scott Fitzgerald that he was destined to be a great writer. His early work won accolades from his professors and was published in Yale’s literary Journal as well as other outlets. These stories show that even before his Yale days Ftizgerald was already exploring themes and subjects that would one day make him a legend. Included here are seventeen stories, a one act play and three poems. This is the most complet
 Towards a Better World
 Towards a Better World

 Автор: Stephanie Claire

  Set in 1920s Sydney, the heyday of Theosophy and other 'new religions', <b><i>Towards a Better World</i></b> explores a time bursting with new and exciting ideas – but also with rumours concerning clergy and young boys. Based on family stories and careful research, Stephanie Claire tells the story of a group of young Theosophists and their new friend Ed Best, who mix in a heady world featuring luminaries such as
 Forty Fathoms Deep
 Forty Fathoms Deep

 Автор: Ion Idriess

  (Author Note)<br /><b><i>Forty Fathoms Deep</i></b> is part of the story of the pearl seas of north-western Australia. In all but a few instances, I have used names well known in the pearl world of Broome, but have taken care not to hurt susceptibilities. I am conscious I have only gleaned in a field rich with romance. There is material for many books in the adventurous lives of the men who have built up the history
 Drums of Mer
 Drums of Mer

 Автор: Ion Idriess

  To one who for a good many years has lived among the tropic isles of Torres Strait, and whose constant regret has been that their romantic attractiveness is so little known even to Australians, the Drums of Mer comes with very strong appeal. There are some who may think that Mr Idriess is giving us simply an imaginative picture, but the author has travelled the Strait with the discerning eye and contemplative soul of the artist who is satisfied
 Balga Boy Jackson
 Balga Boy Jackson

 Автор: Mudrooroo

  '… a boy born long ago in 1938 who was named Balga or Black Boy. He had an Aboriginal mother and an African-American father who bequeathed to him the spiky mop of hair which gave him his name. So it is said. Now read on.' Balga Boy Jackson is the long awaited new novel of Mudrooroo. He returns to his roots to give us a vivid life story of an Australian Black Boy – naturally with a pun, Balga is the Australian grass tree called in
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