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Героическое фэнтези

> 978-5-04-288884-7
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Автор: Valentina Massano
Издательство: Tektime S.r.l.s.
Cтраниц: 1
Размер: 0
ISBN: 978-5-04-288884-7
Качество: excellent
The world of Elantion is once again invaded by ancient, otherworldly enemies. After two years of warfare, the Draelia Monarchy is the most devastated among the lands. Cities and villages lie in ruins; there are no longer any humans, elves, or dwarves—there are only the Tulvar. The thousands of surviving humans have fled, finding refuge in the elven realm of Elelreel, which is protected by both mountain ranges and powerful elven magic. Meanwhile, the dwarves have erected a wall to defend their Plateau, and with the spread of the tragic news, the Southern Principalities have also constructed formidable defenses. The world of Elantion is once again invaded by ancient, otherworldly enemies. After two years of warfare, the Draelia Monarchy is the most devastated among the lands. Cities and villages lie in ruins; there are no longer any humans, elves, or dwarves—there are only the Tulvar. The thousands of surviving humans have fled, finding refuge in the elven realm of Elelreel, which is protected by both mountain ranges and powerful elven magic. Meanwhile, the dwarves have erected a wall to defend their Plateau, and with the spread of the tragic news, the Southern Principalities have also constructed formidable defenses. The story begins when Kaj, a human refugee in Elelreel, meets Clarice, a wandering elf, and Oloice, a dwarf from Tetirstad. Kaj’s life takes yet another radical turn, as together they will set off on a journey that will see them rediscover past events, and force them to face their fears and prejudices. Led by their adventures to the territories devastated by the enemy, they will learn that not everything is as lost as it seems, and that the invaders can still be defeated.

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