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Сельское хозяйство

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Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Сельское хозяйство
 Underwater Archaeology
 Underwater Archaeology

 Автор: Amanda Bowens

  Underwater Archaeology: The NAS Guide to Principles and Practice provides a comprehensive summary of the archaeological process as applied in an underwater context. Long awaited second edition of what is popularly referred to as the NAS Handbook Provides a practical guide to underwater archaeology: how to get involved, basic principles, essential techniques, project planning and execution, publishing and presenting Fully illustrated with over 10
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 Wine Quality

 Автор: Keith Grainger

  WINNER OF A GOURMAND WORLD COOKBOOK AWARD 2009! BEST WINE EDUCATION BOOK (THE BEST IN THE WORLD) «I really enjoyed this book … A constant feature of this book is how well Keith balances his mastery of the technicalities with a certain 'common touch', the ability to explain sometimes complex issues in easy-to-understand terms.» –Association of Wine Educators «… an ideal book to accompany a WSET course.» –Harpers Wine and Spirit Throughout the eig
 Wine Production
 Wine Production

 Автор: Keith Grainger

  The standard of wines made today is arguably higher than any time in the six thousand years of vinous history. The level of knowledge of producers and the ability to control the processes in wine production is also greatly improved. Authors Keith Grainger and Hazel Tattersall detail these processes, from vine to bottle, looking at key factors such as geography, winemaking techniques, the impact of decisions made upon style and quality, and probl

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 Автор: Peter Gregory J.

  The root system is a vital part of the plant and therefore understanding roots and their functioning is key to agricultural, plant and soil scientists. In Plant Roots Professor Peter Gregory brings together recent developments in techniques and an improved understanding of plant and soil interactions to present a comprehensive look at this important relationship, covering: Root response to, and modification of, soils Genetic control of roots’ re
 Plant Breeding
 Plant Breeding

 Автор: Jack Brown

  This book, Plant Breeding, has it bases in an earlier text entitled An Introduction to Plant Breeding by Jack Brown and Peter Caligari, first published in 2008. The challenges facing today’s plant breeders have never been more overwhelming, yet the prospects to contribute significantly to global food security and farmers’ quality of life have never been more exciting and fulfilling. Despite this there has been a worrying decline in public fundin
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 Weed Science

 Автор: Thomas Monaco J.

  The updated edition of the classic, fundamental book on weed science Weed Science provides a detailed examination of the principles of integrated weed management with important details on how chemical herbicides work and should be used. This revised Fourth Edition addresses recent developments affecting weed science. These include the increased use of conservation-tillage systems, environmental concerns about the runoff of agrochemicals, soil co
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 Precision Agriculture

 Автор: Gregory Bock R.

  This book investigates new agricultural systems such as organic and green manuring, as well as integrated pest management practices, and looks at how they can improve farm productivity against the enhancements for the environment. Much of the information presented focuses on microinvestigation of the soil, and on the effects of soil variability within fields on yields and nutrient flows.
 Organic Crop Breeding
 Organic Crop Breeding

 Автор: James Myers R.

  Organic Crop Breeding provides readers with a thorough review of the latest efforts by crop breeders and geneticists to develop improved varieties for organic production. The book opens with chapters looking at breeding efforts that focus on specific valuable traits such as quality, pest and disease resistance as well as the impacts improved breeding efforts can have on organic production. The second part of the book is a series of crop specific
 Fruit and Vegetables
 Fruit and Vegetables

 Автор: Keith Thompson

  The second edition of this very well-received book, which in its first edition was entitled Postharvest Technology of Fruits and Vegetables, has been welcomed by the community of postharvest physiologists and technologists who found the first edition of such great use. The book covers, in comprehensive detail, postharvest physiology as it applies to postharvest quality, technology relating to maturity determination, harvesting, packaging, postha
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