The oil palm is the world's most valuable oil crop. With palm oil production increasing by more than 50% in the last decade of the twentieth century and set to double in the next twenty years, it has never before been so important to understand the history, use and cultivation of this fascinating crop. There have been many new developments since the third edition of The Oil Palm in 1988, particularly in the fields of clonal propagation, agronomy ...
The demand for food produced from sustainable and organic farm enterprises continues to grow worldwide, with demand exceeding supply for many items. This second edition of an extremely well received and successful book covers every aspect of an organic farm enterprise that can have an influence on profitability. As such the book is an essential purchase for all those involved in organic and sustainable farming. Topics covered in this second edit ...
Optimising Pesticide Use brings together the wide range of scientific disciplines necessary to ensure best practice through monitoring what is used and improving how it is formulated and applied. The book provides: An in-depth exploration of pesticide optimisation from the view point of industry and research scientist A case study on the development of a new range of active chemistries from bacteria A discussion of complementary pest control met ...
Prepared under the aegis of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), this text presents a fresh and comprehensive look at agricultural development policy. It provides a clear, systematic review of important classes of policy issues in developing countries and discusses the emerging international consensus on viable approaches to the issues. The text is unique in its coverage and depth and it: Summarises hundreds of refe ...
Pesticide Application Methods is the standard work for all those involved in crop protection. This fully revised edition provides up-to-date information on the different types of application techniques and how they should be used to ensure efficient and effective pest control. Detailed information is provided on the role of chemical control in crop protection: targets, formulations and droplets, spray quality and the choice of nozzles are discus ...
Science for Agriculture was the first thorough quantitative and analytical treatment of the history of the U.S. agricultural research system and as such has served as the foundation for research over the 10 years since its publication. The benefits from public and private investment in agricultural research are immense and should be understood by every student of the agricultural science system in the United States. The second edition updates im ...
Weed Management Handbook updates the 8th edition of Weed Control Handbook (1990). The change in the title and contents of the book from previous editions reflects both the current emphasis on producing crops in a sustainable and environmentally-friendly manner, and the new weed management challenges presenting themselves. This landmark publication contains cutting edge chapters, each written by acknowledged experts in their fields and carefully ...
Aimed at social scientists, this book discusses family policy in general and the New Federalism in particular, and experimental implementation of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWOA) in the United States. Here, emphasis in family policy is shifted from a centralized entitlement approach to an exchange of personal responsibility, work, and training for better support services. ...
As the world’s population increases the need to produce greater quantities of major staple crops such as wheat, rice, maize, potato, cassava, soybean, sweet potato, barley, and banana in order to sufficiently feed the people of the world continues to grow. Breeding Major Food Staples covers improving yields and quality of these crops through breeding and the use of molecular biology tools such as gene transfer, genome mapping, biofortification, ...