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 Сельское хозяйство
 Multi-Site Pig Production
 Multi-Site Pig Production

 Автор: D. Harris L.

  Multi-site Pig Production is the first comprehensive description of the most profound changes that have occurred in swine production methodology in many years. Dr Harris is singularly qualified to write this book because he has played a pivotal role in the development of multi-site rearing techniques that are being applied throughout the world. This book provides final definition for a variety of terms being used to describe swine production met
 Teamwork in Poultry Production
 Teamwork in Poultry Production

 Автор: Larry Cole, PhD

  Today more than ever before in the history of the poultry industry there is a concerted effort to improve the working relationship between the grower and the integrator. Teamwork in Poultry Production picks up wher Larry Cole's previous book, Communication in Poultry Grower Relations, left off. While the first book concentrated on organizational improvement, this book focuses on the specific interpersonal skills needed in the industry to create
 Communication for Rural Innovation
 Communication for Rural Innovation

 Автор: Cees Leeuwis

  This important book is the re-titled third edition of the extremely well received and widely used Agricultural Extension (van den Ban & Hawkins, 1988, 1996). Building on the previous editions, Communication for Rural Innovation maintains and adapts the insights and conceptual models of value today, while reflecting many new ideas, angles and modes of thinking concerning how agricultural extension is taught and carried through today. Since the pr

 Bacterial Responses to pH
 Bacterial Responses to pH

 Автор: Gail Cardew

  Microbial responses to acidic and alkaline pH are important in many areas of bacteriology. For example, the mechanisms of resistance to acidic pH are important in the understanding of the passage of human pathogens through the acid of the stomach; and an understanding of microbial degradation of alkaline industrial waste is important for the environment. Bringing together contributions from an international and interdisciplinary group of experts
 Sorghum and Millets Diseases
 Sorghum and Millets Diseases

 Автор: John Leslie F.

  This work is based on the Mexico 2000 meeting under the auspices of ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics) and INTSORMIL (International Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research Support Program). Sorghum and millet are very important agronomic crops in many parts of the world, specifically in the semi-arid regions in warm areas. The crops are of great significance in supplying food and feed in the developing areas
 Exotic Pests and Diseases
 Exotic Pests and Diseases

 Автор: Frank Buck H.

  Exotic pests and diseases have long been an important concern in agriculture. The problem is becoming increasingly urgent and complex because agricultural trade has been liberalized worldwide, and as a consequence, the probability of spreading a disease or a pest through national borders has become a real threat, not only for the agricultural industry but also for human health and the natural environment. This edited volume’s list of internation
 Neotyphodium in Cool-Season Grasses
 Neotyphodium in Cool-Season Grasses

 Автор: Donald Spiers E.

  Divided into logical easy-to-use sections, Neotyphodium in Cool-Season Grasses is an up-to-date anthology of the latest knowledge on the genus Neotyphodium. This thorough text covers the molecular biology of Neotyphodium endophytes and their effects on grass hosts, invertebrate and vertebrate herbivores, and the plant communities in which they interact. The expert editors also include information on the commercial uses of endophytes in livestock
 Conservation Tillage and Cropping Innovation
 Conservation Tillage and Cropping Innovation

 Автор: Shankariah Chamala

  A sociological study of changing farming methods, Conservation Tillage and Cropping Innovation investigates those techniques that have gradually continued to replace the plow culture. With thorough documentation of the conservation tillage and cropping revolution, this book features chapters on: The Social Construction of Innovative Networks; Planning Conservation Cropping: Implications for Research, Development, and Extension; The New Agricultu
 Whittemore's Science and Practice of Pig Production
 Whittemore's Science and Practice of Pig Production

 Автор: Ilias Kyriazakis

  The science and practice of pig production has changed rapidly over recent decades; new husbandry practices, new understandings of growth, reproduction and health, new appreciations of welfare and environmental impact, new nutritional approaches, and modern reproductive and genetic techniques have all come into being, together with the emergence of new health challenges. Now in its third edition, this long established reference book on the manag
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