Of immeasurable value to lenders, agricultural economists, and a host of agribusinesses this unique volume brings together leading farmland authorities in the United States and Canada to examine the economic determinants of land value and the consequences of change in land values. As the most basic factor of production in the agricultural enterprise, farmland dominates the agricultural balance sheet, accounting for an average of 70% of all agric ...
Profiles in the History of the U.S. Soil Survey offers a broad-ranging collection of essays chronicling the development of the U.S. Soil Survey and its influence on the history of soil survey as a scientific discipline that focuses on mapping, analysis, and description of soils. Appraises the influences of key individuals and institutions on the establishment of federal support for and coordination of U.S. soil surveys. Provides an account of li ...
The magnitude of the food-waste disposal problem cannot be understated. Utilisation of food waste is of concern to the food processing industry, consumers, environmentalists, and regulators of handling and disposal systems. Food waste is not consistent in quality, is usually high in moisture content, and is only available locally. This book focuses on the challenges of utilising both wet and/or processed food waste. The regulatory environment re ...
With the continuous changes of farming methods and policies, it is crucial that agricultural education evolves with them, pushing towards innovations rather than accepting conventions. This book is a call to arms for educators to prepare for the 21st Century and an entirely new set of possibilities. ...
World-wide losses of crops, post-harvest, through microbial action, pests, diseases and other types of spoilage amount to millions of tons every year. This essential handbook is the first in a three-volume series which covers all factors affecting post-harvest quality of all major fruits, vegetables, cereals and other crops. Compiled by members of the world-renowned Natural Resources Institute at the University of Greenwich, Chatham, UK, the com ...
Durable commodities are the raw products from which food can be made and are the staples on which most humans rely; with but a few exceptions they are the seeds of plants. Volume 1 of this ground-breaking book series (details below) explains how crops should be dried, handled, protected from pests and stored by smaller holders or large-scale enterprises. This second volume presents a series of case studies on how durable crops are actually store ...
This concise and well-established working guide for landowners, farmers and their advisers explains the law on the ownership, occupation and use of agricultural land. Essential Law for Landowners and Farmers provides an invaluable source of sound advice, clarifying the complex problems facing landowners today, and explaining the law governing their resolution. In this major new edition, all the chapters have been re-written and several added, to ...
The leading one-stop reference for commercial vegetable growers for more than 50 years Rooted in tradition, branching out to the future. For more than half a century, Knott's Handbook for Vegetable Growers has provided generations of commercial growers with the most timely, accessible, and useful information available on the subject. The Fifth Edition of this highly regarded horticultural mainstay provides readers with the reliable growing and m ...
This up-to-the-minute account examines how radionuclides affect human health. It explores how radionuclides travel through various food chains and how they are transported throughout the terrestrial and aquatic environments. ...