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Сельское хозяйство

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Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Сельское хозяйство
 Agricultural Policy for the 21st Century
 Agricultural Policy for the 21st Century

 Автор: Luther Tweeten G.

  Agricultural policy reform has become a very hot topic. Over the next couple of years we will see the funding for these programs being hotly debated. The thesis of this book is that a better-informed public is essential to bring rationality to farm policy. This book provides telling evidence that markets work, that competent commercial farmers will earn returns on their resources as high as those earned elsewhere in the absence of income transfe
 Terrorism, Radicalism, and Populism in Agriculture
 Terrorism, Radicalism, and Populism in Agriculture

 Автор: Luther Tweeten G.

  While terrorism in agriculture takes few lives, the misinformation emerging from the rhetoric of anti-globalists, radical environmentalists, and animal welfare extremists costs Americans billions of dollars in lost income every year. This controversial volume illuminates the political, economic, and global effects of these groups on the agricultural industry. The clear, concise, and readable book discusses specific events and issues, helping rea
 Public-Private Collaboration in Agricultural Research
 Public-Private Collaboration in Agricultural Research

 Автор: Keith Fuglie O.

  An examination of technology transfer in agricultural research collaborations Public-Private Collaboration in Agricultural Research: New Institutional Arrangements and Economic Implications examines the impact of the private-sector takeover of the field, and what it means for funding, research, technology, and more. Beginning with U.S. agricultural research financing, the discussion moves on to cover plant and animal research investments, collab

 Perspectives in World Food and Agriculture 2004,
 Perspectives in World Food and Agriculture 2004,

 Автор: Colin Scanes G.

  The second volume in a series designed to keep agricultural leaders abreast of the most up-to-date information concerning global agriculture, Perspectives in World Food and Agriculture, Volume 2 brings together cutting-edge agricultural research and the latest views on agricultural policy. Written by internationally renowned researchers, scientists, and academics, Volume 2 includes: The UN's approaches to address global food security and poverty
 The Environment, Our Natural Resources and Modern Technology
 The Environment, Our Natural Resources and Modern Technology

 Автор: Thomas DeGregori R.

  Always controversial, Thomas DeGregori has released another classic volume that is sure to inform, confound, and present new perspectives on todays environmental issues. This time he is taking on the environmentalists, naturalists, green consumerists, and those that hail the natural lifestyle as the healthy, politically correct thing to do. DeGregori examines the economics of green consumerism, the reality of saving the environment, how historic
 Perspectives in World Food and Agriculture 2004,
 Perspectives in World Food and Agriculture 2004,

 Автор: Colin Scanes G.

  Written by a team of international researchers, scientists, and academics, Perspectives of World Food and Agriculture 2004 comprises the latest, most up-to-date information in global agricultural. With a list of international contributors that reads like a «Who’s Who?» in agricultural research, this volume brings together some of the most cutting-edge agricultural research being done today. This popular annual publication includes: Global agricu
 Pesticide Residues in Food and Drinking Water
 Pesticide Residues in Food and Drinking Water

 Автор: Denis Hamilton

  This book explores human exposure and consumer risk assessment in response to issues surrounding pesticide residues in food and drinking water. All the three main areas of consumer risk assessment including human toxicology, pesticide residue chemistry and dietary consumption are brought together and discussed. Includes the broader picture – the environmental fate of pesticides Takes an international approach with contributors from the European
 Жизнь крестьян в России начала ХХ века
 Жизнь крестьян в России начала ХХ века

 Автор: Борис Романов
 Год: 2019

  Рассмотрен уровень жизни крестьян в России конца XIX – начала XX века, их иллюзии о "чёрном переделе" и действительные проблемы. Ранее в некоторых своих книгах (например, " Николай II и Россия до 1917 года", есть на ЛитРес) я писал о жизни крестьян до 1917 года, но до сих пор не публиковал всё написанное мной по этой теме в одной брошюре – теперь делаю это.
 Przyroda i Technologia. Rocznik Wydzialu Politechnicznego Panstwowej Wyzszej Szkoly Zawodowej im. prof. Edwarda F. Szczepanika w Suwalkach
 Przyroda i Technologia. Rocznik Wydzialu Politechnicznego Panstwowej Wyzszej Szkoly Zawodowej im. prof. Edwarda F. Szczepanika w Suwalkach

 Автор: Henryk Konopko

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