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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Рыбное хозяйство
 Fishing Up North
 Fishing Up North

 Автор: Brad Matsen

  This new edition contains new stories and updates from the super heated days when fishing fleets turned king crab into fortunes, to the annual circus of Bristol Bay's monster salmon runs, to the bucolic life of the open ocean trawler, the true stories in Fishing Up North: Stories of Luck and Loss in Alaskan Waters" captures the flavor of the modern fisherman's life and fortunes in the waters off Alaska. You'll find firsthand accou
 The Earth Is Enough
 The Earth Is Enough

 Автор: Harry Middleton

  In this touching memoir of his boyhood on a farm in the Ozark foothills, Harry Middleton joins the front rank of nature writers alongside Edward Hoagland and Annie Dillard. It is the year1965, a year rife with change in the world and in the life of a boy whose tragic loss of innocence leads him to the healing landscape of the Ozarks. Haunted by indescribable longing, twelve year old Harry is turned over to two enigmatic guardians, men as old as
 Trout Bum
 Trout Bum

 Автор: John Gierach

  Trout Bum is a fresh, contemporary look at fly fishing, and the way of life that grows out ofa passion for it. The people, the places, and the accoutrements that surround the sport make a fishing trip more than a set of tactics and techniques. John Gierach, a serious fisherman with a wry sense of humor, show us just how much more with his fishing stories and a unique look at the fly-fishing lifestyle. Trout Bum is really about why people fish as

 Notes from the San Juans
 Notes from the San Juans

 Автор: Steven J. Meyers

  This book, more than anything else, is a book about place. Centered on the San Juan Mountains of southwest Colorado, a range of jagged peaks inhabited by the sometimes equally jagged people of small mountain towns, it is a book about the search for a place to call home, after other homes have been wrecked. Steve Meyers, a transplanted easterner, speaks for tens of thousands of younger people who have searched for a way of life outside of the hom
 My Season on the Kenai
 My Season on the Kenai

 Автор: Lew Freedman

  The Kenai is a world-class salmon river that attracts fishermen from all over the world, but is also the “everyman” river of the great fishing paradise of Alaska because of its accessibility.
The Kenai River is special not only because world-record salmon are caught in its stunning green waters, but because it is on the road system and thus can be accessed by the average fisherman, not merely the well-to-do who pay huge sums to fish in r
 Snake River Flies
 Snake River Flies

 Автор: Boots Allen

  Snake River Flies chronicles the rich history of fly pattern development in the Snake River basin from its infancy in the 1930s to contemporary flies of the twentieth-first century. The lineage of fly tiers includes such greats as Marcella Oswald, Bruce Staples, Scott Sanchez, and Ken Burkholder. Special attention is given to innovative designs for particular types of water, trout food, and trout species. The 100-plus patterns within this work
 Grizzlies, Gales and Giant Salmon
 Grizzlies, Gales and Giant Salmon

 Автор: Pat Ardley

  At age nineteen, Pat Ardley packed up her belongings and left Winnipeg for Vancouver, looking for adventure. Little did she know that she’d spend the next forty years in the wilderness, thirty of which would be spent with a man known as George “Hurricane” Ardley. Pat met George soon after arriving in Vancouver, and not long after that the two of them set out for Addenbroke Island to work as junior lighthouse keepers. The journey up to the little
 Stalking Salmon & Wrestling Drunks
 Stalking Salmon & Wrestling Drunks

 Автор: Peter L. Gordon

  Each fisherman steps onto the docks, sees Peter Gordon's boat the MV Kalua, glances at the other members of the charter and feels a rush of anticipation. The challenge is on to see who will catch the biggest fish.Told with a skipper's authority, Stalking Salmon and Wrestling Drunks recounts the highs and lows of fishing with tourists, including dealing with rowdy guests, bad weather, near death experiences, lost fish, tangled lines, an
 Fly Fishing in Connecticut
 Fly Fishing in Connecticut

 Автор: Kevin Murphy

  <P>In this book, a long-time resident and devoted fly fisherman imparts a wealth of knowledge about fly fishing in Connecticut. Kevin Murphy teaches novice anglers about the state's trout hatcheries and stocking programs, the differences between brook, brown, and rainbow trout, and offers easy-to-follow instructions on the basics of fly fishing. In this concise text, the reader finds the essentials in fly fishing gear, stream
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