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Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Рыбное хозяйство
 Gather at the River
 Gather at the River

 Автор: David Joy

  Contributors include New York Times Bestselling Authors Ace Atkins, Ron Rash, Jill McCorkle, Leigh Ann Henion, Eric Rickstad, M.O. Walsh, and #1 Bestseller C.J. Box.
The Cherokee have a ceremony of going to water. Once a month on a night governed by the moon, they go to the river in an act of renewal and reverie. Much like baptism, it is the belief that there is a healing power to water, a sentiment shared by every soul that’s ever stood
 The Compleat Angler
 The Compleat Angler

 Автор: Izaak Walton

  First published in 1653, Izaak Walton’s “The Compleat Angler” is a classic and much-loved treatise on the art of fishing. Immediately popular after its publication, “The Compleat Angler” was reprinted and updated numerous times by Walton. Written as a conversation between the fictional characters of the experienced angler Piscator and his student Viator, which was changed to a hunter named Venator in later editions, the treatise is part an instr
 The Incomplete Dangler
 The Incomplete Dangler

 Автор: Mervyn Linford

  Non-technical, often humorous tales of an angling life through a nature lover's eyes. Although primarily concerned with angling in all its different forms it travels the length and breadth of the British Isles and is just as interested in the nature and topography of these isles as it is with fishing in general and should therefore appeal to a wider readership than those interested solely in the piscatorial arts.

 Fishing the River of Time
 Fishing the River of Time

 Автор: Tony Taylor

  At age eighty, Tony Taylor journeys from Sydney, Australia, to British Columbia to fish the Cowichan River with his eight-year-old grandson, Ned. The trip is an opportunity for Tony to return to a landscape that has had a profound effect on his life and his way of thinking, and to share this place with his grandson. As Tony teaches Ned the patient art of fly-fishing, a lifetime of memories, thoughts, and stories unspool in peaceful reflections b
 Body of Water
 Body of Water

 Автор: Chris Dombrowski

  Chris Dombrowski was playing a numbers game: two passions—poetry and fly-fishing; two children, one of them in utero; and an income hovering perilously close to zero. Enter, at this particularly challenging moment, a miraculous email: can’t go, it’s all paid for, just book a flight to Miami.Thus began a journey that would lead to the Bahamas and to David Pinder, a legendary bonefishing guide. Bonefish are prized for
 Fly Fishing New Mexico
 Fly Fishing New Mexico

 Автор: Taylor Streit

  The first fly fishing guide to cover the entire region! The state's top waters: Cimarron River, Costilla Creek, Embudo Area, Gila River, Gila “West”, High Alpine Lakes, Jemez Mountains, Jicarilla Lakes, Mid-elevation Lakes, Pecos River, Red River Upper, Red River Lower, Rio Chama Upper, Rio Chama Lower, Rio de los Pinos, Rio Grande Upper, Rio Grande Lower, Rio Penasco, Rio Vallecitos, San Juan River, Taos Area, Valles Caldera National Prese
 Fly Fishing Central & Southeastern Oregon
 Fly Fishing Central & Southeastern Oregon

 Автор: Harry Teel

  30 maps for waters, hatch charts, and illustrations detail Central Oregon fly fishing waters. Author Harry Teel, a retired outfitter, has more than 60 years of Oregon fly-fishing experience. The famous Deschutes river, a new Steelhead section, remote lakes, private waters, the Metolius, McKenzie, John Day and Williamson rivers, plus less crowded waters like the Crooked, Malheur, Ana, mountain lakes and more. The best fly fishing in this popular
 Fly Fishing Smith Creek, Delayed Harvest
 Fly Fishing Smith Creek, Delayed Harvest

 Автор: David Cannon L.

  Fly Fishing Smith Creek, Delayed Harvest is an excerpt from the larger book Fly Fishing Georgia, which covers 23 waters including small streams, large rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and coastal areas. Detailed maps, photographs, and David Cannon's experiance guide you through the many waters in this area. Known hatches, equipment to use, and flies to choose. Use this ebook to get started fly fishing Georgia.
 Fly Fishing Amicalola Creek, Delayed Harvest
 Fly Fishing Amicalola Creek, Delayed Harvest

 Автор: David Cannon L.

  Fly Fishing Amicalola Creek, Delayed Harvest is an excerpt from the larger book Fly Fishing Georgia, which covers 23 waters including small streams, large rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and coastal areas. Detailed maps, photographs, and David Cannon's experiance guide you through the many waters in this area. Known hatches, equipment to use, and flies to choose. Use this ebook to get started fly fishing Georgia.
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