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Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
 Becoming Salmon
 Becoming Salmon

 Автор: Marianne Elisabeth Lien

 Agrarian Dreams
 Agrarian Dreams

 Автор: Julie Guthman

  In this groundbreaking study of organic farming, Julie Guthman challenges accepted wisdom about organic food and agriculture in the Golden State. Many continue to believe that small-scale organic farming is the answer to our environmental and health problems, but Guthman refutes popular portrayals that pit «small organic» against «big organic» and offers an alternative analysis that underscores the limits of an organic label as a pathway to tran

 Автор: Kiera Butler

  When city-dwelling journalist Kiera Butler visits a county fair for the first time, she is captivated by the white-uniformed members of the 4-H club and their perfectly groomed animals. She sets off on a search for a «real» 4-H’er, a hypothetical wholesome youth whom she imagines wearing cowboy boots and living on a ranch. Along the way, she meets five teenage 4-H’ers from diverse backgrounds and gets to know them as they prepare to compete at t

 Labor and the Locavore
 Labor and the Locavore

 Автор: Margaret Gray

  In the blizzard of attention around the virtues of local food production, food writers and activists place environmental protection, animal welfare, and saving small farms at the forefront of their attention. Yet amid this turn to wholesome and responsible food choices, the lives and working conditions of farmworkers are often an afterthought.<br /><br /><i>Labor and the Locavore</i> focuses on one of the most vibrant loc
 Balancing on a Planet
 Balancing on a Planet

 Автор: David A. Cleveland

  This book is an interdisciplinary primer on critical thinking and effective action for the future of our global agrifood system, based on an understanding of the system’s biological and sociocultural roots. Key components of the book are a thorough analysis of the assumptions underlying different perspectives on problems related to food and agriculture around the world and a discussion of alternative solutions. David Cleveland argues that combin
 Factories in the Field
 Factories in the Field

 Автор: Carey McWilliams

  This book was the first broad expose of the social and environmental damage inflicted by the growth of corporate agriculture in California. <I>Factories in the Field</I>—together with the work of Dorothea Lange, Paul Taylor, and John Steinbeck—dramatizes the misery of the dust bowl migrants hoping to find work in California agriculture. McWilliams starts with the scandals of the Spanish land grant purchases, and continues on to exami
 The College on the Hill
 The College on the Hill

 Автор: Alexander Ross

  How has the Ontario Agricultural College contributed to Canadian education? What role has the college played in the development of agriculture since it was founded in 1874? This history of Canada's oldest agricultural college revolves around these two questions. It shows that the college's mandate has changed in its attempt to serve both education and agriculture. The Ontario Agricultural College was established to enshrine science i
 The Lore of the Honey Bee - Natural History and Bee-Keeping
 The Lore of the Honey Bee - Natural History and Bee-Keeping

 Автор: Edwardes Tickner

  Originally published in 1908, this is one of the earliest books on bee keeping and the natural history of the honey bee, with information on its natural history, bee society, anatomy, bee keeping, and much more. Full of fascinating information and detailed explanations, this timeless volume will be of considerable utility to modern bee keepers, and would make for a valuable addition to collections of related literature.
Contents include
 Green Fig and Lionfish
 Green Fig and Lionfish

 Автор: Allen Susser

  To use the book as a way of communicating about the joys of Caribbean cooking and culture and the need for sustainable actions to preserve that foodways. To introduce lionfish as a delicious eating fish to many folks who do not know it. Sharing the versatility of fish cookery with seasonal ingredients. Encouraging more people to care where their food comes from and to have them realize that their choices can make a difference.
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