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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
The Girl That Lived In the Mirror
Perry Ritthaler
Imagination is something magical that happens to a little girl named Michele. The magic mirror deep inside her mind is where Michele can be free to live her life. Every day Michele plays in her bedroom with her magical mirror. One day Michele discovers how fun can play an important role in developing a powerful imagination as she naturally experiences the pressures of the world shaping her emotions; developing her brain to live happy or sad in the world.<br><br>Please realize how important it is for talented children to express what they see in their imagination on paper. A child's emotions mixed with nurtured creation skills can be crafted to paper and as that special child develops their drawing skills; that are always present in the child's mind; the parent can help monitor the emotion of the child as they see firsthand the pictures flowing deep inside of the child's mind. Happiness and sadness or anger can affect mentally gifted or challenged children with genius or mental illness conditions like bi polar or schizophrenia. The pictures created by your children provide some clues to their state of mental health and may be some of the examples and conditioned response affiliated to the emotions lurking deep inside of the child's mind; displayed in the art the child naturally creates.<br><br>Asking the children how they feel inside when they look at a picture is also an important way to see what is going on deep inside of your child's imagination. The imagination is the root bed in the mind of creativity and accomplishment.<br><br>Ashley Pompu has taken five years to gather the research that created these 29 beautiful artistic renditions sharing her incredible talent as an artist; as she explored the minds of many children to discover the fantasies flowing through the children's mind.<br><br>This story is beautifully crafted and full of fun and many adventures for children and adults created in a wonderful informative story written by Perry Ritthaler.
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