In Reloading for Handgunners , the reader will learn the benefits of serious handgun ammunition reloading (decreased cost, increased reliability) in an accessible, step-by-step way. In addition, the reader will learn how to avoid the costly, wasteful errors that plague many reloaders, experienced and novice alike. Finally, the reader will enjoy the vast experience and unique style that have made Patrick Sweeney the country's leading guru o ...
For many gun owners, the story is the same – so many guns to choose from, and so little time (and possibly patience) to review all the various reference needed to get the full picture of modern-era market. <p>
This new <i>Gun Digest</i> guide helps readers make the most of research time, without loosing any reliability, by coupling authoritative reports on the latest handguns, rifles and shotguns and 3,500 ...
A Hunter's Confession tells the story of hunting in David Carpenter's life, including the reasons he once loved it and the reasons he no longer pursues it. When he was a boy, Carpenter and his father and brother would head out along the side roads and into the prairie marshlands searching for duck, grouse, and partridge. As a young man, he began skulking around the bushes with his hunting buddies and trudging through groves of larch, a ...
В книге приводится обзор всех местных, мигрирующих и акклиматизированных видов птиц и зверей, являющихся объектами охоты на территории Ленинградской области. В видовых очерках дается краткая характеристика внешних признаков, распространения, биотопической приуроченности, образа жизни, следов жизнедеятельности животных и способов охоты на них. Приводятся данные по состоянию ресурсов. Книга предназначена для охотпользователей и всех, кто интересуе ...
Пособие по организации фермерского охотничьего хозяйства, содержанию и разведению крупной дичи. Для фермеров, охотоведов, егерей и студентов зоотехнических и охотоведческих факультетов.