В мире с огромным разнообразием товаров и услуг, которые предлагаются на рынке, удержание постоянных клиентов и привлечение новых являются важнейшими задачами для любой компании. Единственный способ добиться этого – построить прочные отношения с клиентами, основанные на лояльности и доверии. Лояльность – это не только способ сохранить свою клиентуру, но и ключевой фактор для успешного развития бизнеса. ... Читать полностью
Neuromarketing's science is articulated as a combination of marketing, medical knowledge, and the latest brain scanning technology which enabled the insight into bioelectric potentials of the brain. Prior to neuromarketing, the credibility of traditional research techniques was based on the degree of accuracy and honesty of respondents' answers. By developing neuromarketing, the observer is able to unambiguously detect changes by recor ...
Splashy ads and commercials for personal care products are everywhere we turn, promising to keep our appearances fresh and our partners satisfied.<BR><BR>But do consumers really know what they’re applying to their faces and bodies in their quests for youth and beauty? Do they know the health risks they’re taking by simply applying lipstick, face moisturizer or deodorant? Toxic cosmetics and personal care products ...
О книге Написав презрительное письмо подрядчику и подписавшись «С уважением к вам и вашему бизнесу», мы сами понимаем, насколько это фальшиво. Сегодняшняя деловая переписка битком набита бессмысленными шаблонами, нарочитой вежливостью и унылой канцелярщиной. «Рассчитываем вскоре услышать Ваши дальнейшие предложения», «Коллеги, заранее спасибо!» – все эти формулировки не вызывают ничего, кроме раздражения. И все же мы продолжаем их использоват ...
This guide explores the idea of economic growth, tracing its history and questioning why it has become so unchallengeable and powerful when unlimited growth in a finite world is ultimately impossible. It illustrates how economics based on degrowth can be turned into a positive and how we can arrive at new levels of environmental sustainability without having turning the clock back to the Dark Ages. A title for anyone interested in economics, the ...
Defective cars, contaminated food, insurance company abuses, botched vacations, or government errors and indifference. The Art of Complaining evens the playing field. Most people hate to complain and so they will put up with defective cars, contaminated food, insurance company abuses, botched vacations, and government errors and indifference. The Art of Complaining evens the playing field. The Art of Complaining gives readers an arsenal o ...
Bestselling author Cass R. Sunstein reveals the appeal and the danger of conformity We live in an era of tribalism, polarization, and intense social division—separating people along lines of religion, political conviction, race, ethnicity, and sometimes gender. How did this happen? In Conformity, Cass R. Sunstein argues that the key to making sense of living in this fractured world lies in understanding the idea of conformity—what it is and how ...
Sugar! What's not to like? It's being touted as highly addictive and the biggest contributor to the current worldwide obesity epidemic. We used to think high in fat diet was to blame so who's the real bad guy? This series takes on world-leading scientists and the food industry in an attempt to understand the truth about sugar. ...
From Facebook to Talking Points Memo to the New York Times, often what looks like fact-based journalism is not. It’s advertising. Not only are ads indistinguishable from reporting, the Internet we rely on for news, opinions and even impartial sales content is now the ultimate corporate tool. Reader beware: content without a corporate sponsor lurking behind it is rare indeed.Black Ops Advertising dissects this rapid rise of “sp ...