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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 Классическая проза
 What You Will
 What You Will

 Автор: Katherine Bucknell

  An intimate portrait of London intellectual life, the breakdown of a marriage and the friendship between two women, ‘What You Will’ draws the reader into a spellbinding world of beauty and tension.Gwen, an American painter, lives in London with her English husband, Lawrence, an Oxford don. When Gwen’s friend Hilary arrives from New York bruised by a broken engagement, a lost job and an unsuitable love affair, Gwen is determined to find her someo
 The Three Musketeers
 The Three Musketeers

 Автор: Александр Дюма

  Three musketeers. Two enemies. One major battle.’‘All for one and one for all!’Country boy d'Artagnan is desperate to join the King's elite band of bodyguards, the Musketeers. And when his fiery loyalties (which often get him into trouble) and incredible sword skill (which get him out again) manages to impress brash Porthos, foppish Aramis and melancholy Athos, the three musketeers and d'Artagnan become friends for life.When they discover that t
 The Sittaford Mystery
 The Sittaford Mystery

 Автор: Agatha Christie

  A seance in a snowbound Dartmoor house predicts a grisly murder…In a remote house in the middle of Dartmoor, six shadowy figures huddle around a small table for a seance. Tension rises as the spirits spell out a chilling message: ‘Captain Trevelyan… dead… murder.’Is this black magic or simply a macabre joke? The only way to be certain is to locate Captain Trevelyan. Unfortunately, his home is six miles away and, with snow drifts blocking the roa

 The Piano Teacher
 The Piano Teacher

 Автор: Janice Y. K. Lee

  Ambitious, exotic, and a classic book club read, 'The Piano Teacher' is a combination of 'Tenko' meets 'The Remains of the Day'.Sometimes the end of a love affair is only the beginning…In 1942, Will Truesdale, an Englishman newly arrived in Hong Kong, falls headlong into a passionate relationship with Trudy Liang, a beautiful Eurasian socialite. But their love affair is soon threatened by the invasion of the Japanese, with terrible consequences
 The October Country
 The October Country

 Автор: Рэй Брэдбери

  One of Ray Bradbury’s classic short story collections, available for the first time in ebook.The October Country is a classic collection of nineteen macabre short stories from the modern master of the fantastic.It is many places: a picturesque Mexican village where death is a tourist attraction; a city beneath the city where drowned lovers are silently reunited; a carnival midway where a tiny man's most cherished fantasy can be fulfilled night a
 The Martian Chronicles
 The Martian Chronicles

 Автор: Ray Bradbury

  The strange and wonderful tale of man’s experiences on Mars, filled with intense images and astonishing visions. Now part of the Voyager Classics collection.The Martian Chronicles tells the story of humanity’s repeated attempts to colonize the red planet. The first men were few. Most succumbed to a disease they called the Great Loneliness when they saw their home planet dwindle to the size of a fist. They felt they had never been born. Those few
 The Illustrated Man
 The Illustrated Man

 Автор: Рэй Брэдбери

  A classic collection of stories – all told on the skin of a man – from the author of Fahrenheit 451.If El Greco had painted miniatures in his prime, no bigger than your hand, infinitely detailed, with his sulphurous colour and exquisite human anatomy, perhaps he might have used this man’s body for his art…Yet the Illustrated Man has tried to burn the illustrations off. He’s tried sandpaper, acid, and a knife. Because, as the sun sets, the pictur
 The Golden Notebook
 The Golden Notebook

 Автор: Doris Lessing

  The landmark novel of the Sixties – a powerful account of a woman searching for her personal, political and professional identity while facing rejection and betrayal.In 1950s London, novelist Anna Wulf struggles with writer’s block. Divorced with a young child, and fearful of going mad, Anna records her experiences in four coloured notebooks: black for her writing life, red for political views, yellow for emotions, blue for everyday events. But
 The Glass Palace
 The Glass Palace

 Автор: Amitav Ghosh

  A sweeping story of Burma and Malaya over a span of one hundred years that has rightly become a modern classic no for the first time in ebook. From the Man Booker Prize shortlisted author of Sea of Poppies.Rajkumar is only another boy, helping on a market stall in the dusty square outside the royal palace, when the British force the Burmese king, queen and all the court into exile. He is rescued by the far-seeing Chinese merchant, and with him b
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