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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Классическая проза
 Silas Marner
 Silas Marner

 Автор: Джордж Элиот

  HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.‘Our consciousness rarely registers the beginning of a growth within us any more than without us: there have been many circulations of the sap before we detect the smallest sign of the bud.’Set in the agricultural town of Raveloe in the English countryside, Silas Marner is a tragic figure. Exiled from a religious community because of a wrongful accusation of theft,
 Moll Flanders
 Moll Flanders

 Автор: Даниэль Дефо

  HarperCollins is proud to present a range of best-loved, essential classics.‘My true name is so well known in the Records or Registers at Newgate, and in the Old Bailey, and there are some things of such consequence still depending there, relating to my particular conduct, that it is not to be expected I should set my name or the account of my family to this work.’Born into the seedy world of Newgate Prison and abandoned as a baby at six months
 The Woodlanders
 The Woodlanders

 Автор: Томас Харди

  HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.Grace Melbury, the only daughter of a timber-merchant, arrives home in Little Hintock after an expensive education and her father looks to find a husband for her. There are two rivals for her hand: Giles Winterborne, a good-hearted yeoman and her childhood sweetheart, and Edred Fitzpiers, an ambitious young doctor of good family. Fitzpiers wins her, but the

 Madame Bovary
 Madame Bovary

 Автор: Гюстав Флобер

  HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.‘…for her, life was as cold as an attic with a window looking to the north, and ennui, like a spider, was silently spinning its shadowy web in every cranny of her heart.’Married to Charles, a provincial doctor, Emma Bovary yearns for a more glamorous life. Disenchanted with her husband and seeking an escape from their dull marriage she is soon tempted into a brief
 Arabian Nights
 Arabian Nights

 Автор: Sir Burton Richard

  HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.‘“For,” said he, “there never was nor is there one chaste woman upon the face of earth.”’A collection of Persian, Arabian and Indian tales dating from the 9th century, Sir Richard Burton’s most well-known translation of Arabian Nights brings together ancient folklore and stories passed down from generation to generation.Featuring tales about love, history, tragedy
 The Professor
 The Professor

 Автор: Шарлотта Бронте

  HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.The Professor is Charlotte Bronte’s first novel, reflecting her own experience of life in Brussels and published after her untimely death. Viewed as a precursor to the narrative style and characterization she perfected in her later works, such as Jane Eyre, the novel is Bronte’s portrayal of a love story from a male perspective.Writing from the point of view
 The Deerslayer
 The Deerslayer

 Автор: Джеймс Фенимор Купер

  HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.Set in the 1740s, just after the start of the French and Indian wars, James Fenimore Cooper’s The Deerslayer tells the story of a young Natty Bumppo, most famously known as ‘Hawkeye’, and his Mohican ‘brother’ Chingachgook, as they attempt to rescue Chingachgook’s betrothed, Wah-ta-Wah, from the Hurons. When Bumppo’s friends Harry March and Tom Hutter are al
 Rob Roy
 Rob Roy

 Автор: Вальтер Скотт

  HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.‘Caution comes too late when we are in the midst of evils.’Set just before the Jacobite Rising in 1715, Scott drew upon the political and economic struggles leading up to the rebellion and the tumultuous history of the Highlands in his classic adventure novel Rob Roy. Despite the book’s title, Frank Osbaldistone is the protagonist, travelling through England and th
 Ethan Frome
 Ethan Frome

 Автор: Edith Wharton

  HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.‘He looked at her hair and longed to touch it again, and to tell her that it smelt of the woods; but he had never learned to say such things…’One harsh winter in 1900s New England, Ethan Frome toils at his farm while struggling to maintain a bearable existence with his forbidding wife, Zeena. When Ethan takes Zeena’s cousin, Mattie, home from a dance he is e
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