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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
The RRSP Secret. Defend and Build Your Wealth with This Powerful Investment Strategy
John Wiley & Sons Limited
Don R. Campbell, Pr
Greg Habstritt
If you're a Canadian investor who's feeling ripped off lately, you're not alone. Canadians pay the highest fees in the world when it comes to investments in RRSPs and other registered accounts. Is this just because Canadians are foolish, or is there something more sinister at work? Now, and for the first time, The RRSP Secret reveals many of the financial industry's most closely guarded secrets – providing the individual investor an unprecedented view into how the financial system negatively impacts the financial freedom of most Canadians. More importantly, the book outlines specifically how to defend your wealth and use a little-known strategy to create double-digit returns – the same way the banks do. You'll never hear a bank manager or financial advisor tell you about this secret strategy, and you won't read about it in the newspaper. Why? Because they'd rather continue selling you underperforming investments that increase their profits instead of making you wealthy. The financial industry is a massive marketing machine that isn't designed to make you money, and the only way you'll become financially free is if you take control of your financial future – and this is your opportunity. In The RRSP Secret, Greg Habstritt teaches you how to use the money in your RRSP, TFSA and other registered savings accounts to invest in one of the most reliable and secure investments available to you – and it's exactly the same strategy that the banks use to create profits themselves. You'll finally be empowered to turn the tables on the financial industry, and beat them at their own game. You'll learn how to invest for double-digit returns without having to take massive risks, or pay hidden fees and commissions. Stop being taken advantage of, and start making better decisions with your money. Your financial future starts now! Testimonials: « Greg Habstritt is a multi-millionaire who can show you exactly how to build massive wealth by using cutting-edge strategies and a formula for predicting markets. I teach people to learn from the best, and there's no one better than Greg!»
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