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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual

Brother's Keeper

Brother's Keeper
Автор: Joaquin De Torres
Издательство: Ingram
Cтраниц: 1
Размер: 0
ISBN: 9781456610791
Качество: excellent
Jason Li is seconds away from pulling the trigger to end his life. <br><br>Difficult to believe considering three years ago he was on the fast track to becoming a Navy fighter pilot, following in the footsteps of his older brother and modern combat ace, Lt. Jordan Li. But now Jordan is dead; killed in what the Navy claims was a &quot;freak accident&quot; over the Pacific Ocean. <br><br>Jason never got over the death of his brother-his mentor, his hero. Now discharged from the Navy for chronic mental breakdown, Jason has no career, no family and no reason to live. It&#39;s time to finish it. He begins to squeeze the trigger when suddenly-<br>The doorbell rings.<br><br>Standing there is a stranger who informs him that everything the Navy told him was a lie&mdash;a stratagem for one of the most daring Black Ops missions ever attempted. His brother was the centerpiece of that operation which has now reached critical mass. <br><br>The Navy has reason to believe that Jordan may not be dead after all. They need Jason-enraged, victimized and unstable-to find his brother deep within China.<br><br>If he accepts, the Pentagon gives him his life back, and the chance to fly the most advanced fighter plane ever designed. <br><br>But if he refuses, hundreds of thousands of people will die.

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