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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 Native American Mythology
 Native American Mythology

 Автор: Hartley Burr Alexander

  This fascinating and informative compendium of Native American lore was assembled by one of twentieth-century America's premier ethnographer/anthropologists. Hartley Burr Alexander recounts the continent's myths chronologically and region-by-region, offering a remarkably wide range of nomadic sagas, animist myths, cosmogonies and creation myths, end-time prophecies, and other traditional tales.The stories begin in the far North, among
 The Horse in Magic and Myth
 The Horse in Magic and Myth

 Автор: M. Oldfield Howey

  From Pegasus and the Trojan horse to the four horses of the Apocalypse, the familiar figure of the horse possesses an age-old mystique. Indeed, many cultures around the world attribute otherworldly qualities to the horse. This volume provides a rich compilation of legend and lore celebrating the sacred and magical symbolism traditionally associated with horses.Derived from classical mythology, the Bible, world folklore, literature, and other sou
 The Forest in Folklore and Mythology
 The Forest in Folklore and Mythology

 Автор: Alexander Porteous

  "If you have a feeling for the mystery and enchantment of the woods, you will want to own this book." — Outlook.Assembled from an enormous range of sources, this fascinating book is a mind-expanding compendium of facts, folklore, superstitions, myths, and anecdotes about trees and the forest. Included are descriptions of old forests; forest customs, temples and sacred groves; mythical forest creatures such as witches, fairies, dem

 Celtic Mythology
 Celtic Mythology

 Автор: John Arnott MacCulloch

  This classic study by a distinguished scholar recounts the ancient tales of Ireland and Wales. Written in a highly readable style, it will delight neophytes as well as those well versed in Celtic folklore with its lively tales of romance and love, of war and carnage, and of deeds both noble and villainous.Illustrations from rare sources enhance this treasury of lore and its stories of the strife and mythic powers of the gods, their loves and aid
 Celtic Myth and Legend
 Celtic Myth and Legend

 Автор: Charles Squire

  The legends of ancient Britain retain a profound allure for readers around the world, assuring a warm reception for this introduction to the colorful pageant of Celtic myth. Its wondrous tales range from the oft-told deeds of Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table to the less-familiar adventures of the mighty Finn and his Fenians, Ulster's Champions of the Red Branch, and other figures from the Gaelic pantheon. Tracing the exploits of ki
 The Welsh Fairy Book
 The Welsh Fairy Book

 Автор: W. Jenkyn Thomas

  As a schoolmaster in South Wales, folklorist W. Jenkyn Thomas was dismayed to find that his students — who took such delight in the fairy stories of other nations — knew nothing at all of their own country's rich heritage of fairy tales. To fill the need for a collection of Welsh fairy tales for young readers, he compiled this definitive treasury.Abounding in phantoms, fairies, witches, magical spells, and other time-hon
 Native American Myths
 Native American Myths

 Автор: Lewis Spence

  Drawn from the myths and legends of the Algonquins, Iroquois, Sioux, Pawnee, and Northern and Northwestern Indians, these enchanting tales offer insights into tribal character and beliefs. Selected by the distinguished British anthropologist and folklorist Lewis Spence, they range in theme from romantic love to rivalry between warriors to victory over powerful forces. The details of their recounting evoke images of Native Americans' innermo
 Popular Tales from Norse Mythology
 Popular Tales from Norse Mythology

 Автор: George Webbe Dasent

  Embodying the fears, fantasies, and forebodings of the people who lived in northern Europe when the world was a darker and more frightening place, these 42 authentic folktales were culled from the rich legacy of Norse and German mythology by noted folklorist George Webbe Dasent. They include stories of princes and princesses who have been transformed into animals, trolls, and maneating giants who possess magical powers, and good-hearted, clever
 Norse Mythology
 Norse Mythology

 Автор: Hamilton Wright Mabie

  Rooted in an oral tradition, fantastic sagas of Norse mythology found their way into print seven centuries ago, in documents known as the Eddas. This book presents 17 of the most popular tales, from the creation of the world to the death of the gods and the world’s destruction.Masterfully retold, the legends include Odin's trip to Mimer in search of knowledge, the making of Thor's hammer, the loss of Idun's wondrous appl
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