To cure a fever that begins with chills, write the following on a piece of bread and give it to the patient for eight days, one piece each day, and on the ninth day, burn the last piece: Colameris x, Colameri x, Colamer x, Colame x, Colam x, Cola x, Col x, Co x, and C x.<br /><br />To prevent the huldrefolk from stealing your healthy child and leaving a child with rickets in its place, make three dolls from the child's clothi ...
When archaeologists dug up the hill of Cadbury in Somerset, the reputed site of King Arthur's Camelot, thousands of visitors came to watch. They never saw anything resembling the Camelot of romance. Yet they kept coming, year after year.Why does Arthur fascinate? In this book, the secretary of the Cadbury project (himself an authority on the legend) looks for an answer. Drawing on varied researches, and on the insight embodied in William Bl ...
Our world is a far wilder, weirder and more mysterious place than we ever admit, yet the magic we perform every day hides beneath the countless explanations we foist onto life. In the face of these convincing yet empty explanations, we displace our hunger for a sense of the magical onto other goals, addictions, and distractions. Left at odds with the very sublimity that animates our every moment, we have turned magic into an exception, a collect ...
“Human beings have always been mythmakers.” So begins best-selling writer Karen Armstrong’s concise yet compelling investigation into myth: what it is, how it has evolved, and why we still so desperately need it. She takes us from the Paleolithic period and the myths of the hunters right up to the “Great Western Transformation” of the last five hundred years and the discrediting of myth by science. ...
Arriving just in time for Halloween, this collection of true stories and facts about yurei–the iconic Japanese ghosts–spans the genres of history, folklore, paranormal activity, and real-life horror. Zack Davisson blends his expert knowledge of Japanese folklore with ancient tales and firsthand accounts of yurei encounters, traversing historical documents, present-day yurei films (i.e. «The Ring»), and interviews to explore the continued existen ...
Кніга складаецца з шэрагу аўтарскіх казак і казачных апавяданняў, дзе ўвасоблена мастацкая рэканструкцыя матываў і вобразаў з беларускага і сусветнага фальклору. Галоўнымі героямі выступаюць вядомыя чарадзейныя персанажы, міфалагічныя істоты, якія праходзяць дзівосныя выпрабаванні, спазнаюць сябе і вучацца разумець іншых. Казкатворчасць Ганны Навасельцавай уводзіць у свет цудаў, дзе трэба задумацца, чаму ліска-чарадзейка шкодзіць дзеду з бабай, ...
«Мій улюблений приклад! За традицією у ніч на Мокія Мокрого (24 травня за нашим стилем) господиня роздягалася догола та тричі бігала навкруги грядки соняшників (читай „Голі дні“). Втім кожен, хто випадково побачив її оголеною, знав напевне: це не відьма, а добра українська господиня, яка бажає отримати кращий врожай!..» ...
«My favourite example! Following the tradition, in the early hours of Mokiy the Wet (24th May according to the Gregorian calendar) a woman would take off clothes and, being naked, would run about her garden bed of sunflowers three times (see “Naked Days”). However, any person who would notice her naked knew perfectly well that she was not a witch, but a kind Ukrainian housewife, who sought to have a good harvest!..» ...