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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)

 Автор: Barby Keel

 Bad to the Bone:
 Bad to the Bone:

 Автор: Bo Hoefinger

  Witty commentary and hilarious observations.– Dog Living Let's get this clear right away: I'm a dog. I'm 1'10" and weigh 63 lbs, and although I'm a mutt on the outside, I'm a purebred on the inside. My good nature comes from the Golden Retriever side of the family, while my stubbornness is clearly from my Chowchow bloodlines. I've got Rastafarian ears, a black tongue for licking, and paws that should be on a do

 Автор: Helen Brown E.

  The Beloved #1 International BestsellerTenth Anniversary Edition  “We’re just going to look.” Helen Brown had no intention of adopting a pet when she brought her young sons to visit a friend’s new kittens. But the runt of the litter was irresistible, with her overlarge ears and dainty chin. When Cleo was delivered weeks later, she had no way of knowing that her new family had just been hit by an u

 Colorado Trails
 Colorado Trails

 Автор: Zane Grey

  Riding and tramping trails would lose half their charm if the motive were only to hunt and to fish. It seems fair to warn the reader who longs to embark upon a bloody game hunt or a chronicle of fishing records that this is not that kind of story. But it will be one for those who love horses and dogs, the long winding dim trails, the wild flowers and the dark still woods, the fragrance of spruce and the smell of camp-fire smoke. And as well for

 Автор: Zane Grey

  Five years ago I had never heard of a bonefish. The first man who ever spoke to me about this species said to me, very quietly with serious intentness: “Have you had any experience with bonefish?” I said no, and asked him what kind that was. His reply was enigmatical. “Well, don’t go after bonefish unless you can give up all other fishing.”
 Two Fights With Swordfish
 Two Fights With Swordfish

 Автор: Zane Grey

  My first day at Avalon, 1916, was one likely to be memorable among my fishing experiences.
 The Royal Purple Game of the Sea
 The Royal Purple Game of the Sea

 Автор: Zane Grey

  To the great majority of anglers it may seem unreasonable to place swordfishing in a class by itself—by far the most magnificent sport in the world with rod and reel. Yet I do not hesitate to make this statement and believe I can prove it.
 The Island of the Dead
 The Island of the Dead

 Автор: Zane Grey

  Pearl Zane Grey was best known for his popular adventure novels and stories that were a basis for the Western genre in literature and the arts, but he also wrote two hunting books, six children’s books, three baseball books, and eight fishing books. It is estimated that he wrote over nine million words in his career, which made him one of the first millionaire authors, as well as President Dwight D. Eisenhower's favorite writer. In this sto
 The Gladiator of the Sea
 The Gladiator of the Sea

 Автор: Zane Grey

  Three summers in Catalina waters I had tried persistently to capture my first broadbill swordfish; and so great were the chances against me that I tried really without hope. It was fisherman’s pride, I imagined, rather than hope that drove me. At least I had a remarkably keen appreciation of the defeats in store for any man who aspired to experience with that marvel of the sea—Xiphius gladius, the broadbill swordsman.
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