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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)

 Автор: Zane Grey

  Everything you ever needed to know about the swordfish, from someone who knew more about the swordfish than most people ever will.
 Some Rare Fish
 Some Rare Fish

 Автор: Zane Grey

  It is very strange that the longer a man fishes the more there seems to be to learn. In my case this is one of the secrets of the fascination of the game. Always there will be greater fish in the ocean than I have ever caught.
 Seven Marlin Swordfish In One Day
 Seven Marlin Swordfish In One Day

 Автор: Zane Grey

  Pearl Zane Grey was best known for his popular adventure novels and stories that were a basis for the Western genre in literature and the arts, but he also wrote two hunting books, six children’s books, three baseball books, and eight fishing books. It is estimated that he wrote over nine million words in his career, which made him one of the first millionaire authors, as well as President Dwight D. Eisenhower's favorite writer. In this sto

 Gulf Stream Fishing
 Gulf Stream Fishing

 Автор: Zane Grey

  The facts are that all food fish and game fish must be conserved. The waste has been enormous.

 Автор: Zane Grey

  To capture the fish is not all of the fishing. Yet there are circumstances which make this philosophy hard to accept.

 Автор: Zane Grey

  What a contrast he presented to any other kind of a fish! How many beautiful species have we seen lying on sand or moss or ferns, just come out of the water! But I could remember no other so rare as this bonefish.
 Big Tuna
 Big Tuna

 Автор: Zane Grey

  Pearl Zane Grey was best known for his popular adventure novels and stories that were a basis for the Western genre in literature and the arts, but he also wrote two hunting books, six children’s books, three baseball books, and eight fishing books. It is estimated that he wrote over nine million words in his career, which made him one of the first millionaire authors, as well as President Dwight D. Eisenhower's favorite writer. In this sto
 Avalon, the Beautiful
 Avalon, the Beautiful

 Автор: Zane Grey

  The mackerel are gone, the bluefish are going, the menhaden are gone, every year the amberjack and kingfish grow smaller and fewer. We must find ways and means to save our game fish of the sea.

 Автор: Zane Grey

  Zane Grey was a pioneering angler, a one-time holder of more than a dozen saltwater world records, and was among the first to start taking sailfish in the fertile blue Gulf Stream. This is an account of one early attempt to “outwit those illusive and strange sailfish of the Gulf Stream.”
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