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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Shiba Inus
 Shiba Inus

 Автор: Laura Payton

  The Shiba Inus is a bold and courageous canine that was originally bred in Japan to hunt small game in mountainous areas. The Shiba is an active breed that makes both an excellent watchdog and a loyal companion. This title, along with all books in the comprehensive and popular <i> B.E.S. Complete Pet Owner's Manuals </i> series, provides advice on feeding, health care, housing, and all other important aspects of responsible pet
 Great Danes
 Great Danes

 Автор: Joe Stahlkuppe

  Like every very large dog, the Great Dane requires plenty of space for exercise. Typically, he has a placid personality, and is patient and sociable with kids. This title, along with all books in the comprehensive and popular <i> B.E.S. Complete Pet Owner's Manuals </i> series, provides advice on feeding, health care, housing, and all other important aspects of responsible pet ownership. Each title in the series is individually
 Livestock Handling and Transport
 Livestock Handling and Transport

 Автор: Группа авторов

 The Guinea Pig Handbook
 The Guinea Pig Handbook

 Автор: Sharon Vanderlip

  The Guinea Pig Handbook provides a wealth of information on the animal's anatomy and life cycle, plus advice on caging, feeding, and health care. Titles in B.E.S. popular Pet Handbooks series instruct pet owners on health care, proper feeding and housing, and other facts important to owners and their pets. All books in this series have high quality, full-color photos, instructive line drawings, and run to an average of approximately 140
 Training Your Boxer
 Training Your Boxer

 Автор: Joan Hustace Walker

  Noted for affectionate loyalty to their masters and their household, typical Boxers respond most readily to positive reinforcement techniques, such as clicker training. Inappropriate obedience training methods can often produce a stubborn and unwilling learner. This book, a title in B.E.S. <i>Training Your Dog </i> series, presents breed-specific advice to dog owners. The emphasis is on dog-friendly methods for teaching skills and pr

 Автор: Sharon Vanderlip

  Hedgehogs raised domestically make interesting pets, but require close attention to their health needs. Here is information on housing, feeding, health care, raising, and maintaining the proper environment for this small spiny mammal. Also included is information on reproduction of hedgehogs and understanding their traits. All titles in B.E.S. profusely-illustrated <i> Complete Pet Owner's Manuals </i> introduce inexperienced an
 Healing Power of Horses
 Healing Power of Horses

 Автор: Wendy Beth Baker

  Wendy Beth Baker&#8217;s The Healing Power of Horses is devoted to the world&#8217;s greatest horsepeople, the Oglala Lakota Indians of Pine Ridge, South Dakota. She begins the book by sharing the philosophy of these great horse-loving people: &#147;There are those who feel the sun rises and sets on the back of a horse, and no matter what obstacles life sets in their way, they never dismount.&#8221; The spirit and fortitude of th
 Careers With Horses
 Careers With Horses

 Автор: Vicki Hogue-Davies

  The comprehensive guide to finding your dream job.
 The Horse Book of Lists
 The Horse Book of Lists

 Автор: Cindy Hale

  Someone actually counted the 968 useful facts and fun trivia that make The Horse Book of Lists such an irresistible page turner for horse lovers of all ages. Organized in over 90 lists of horsey topics, this 336-page volume attempts to sate the horse enthusiast&#8217;s unquenchable appetite for horse-related knowledge. Whether it&#8217;s practical tips, such as purchasing a horse, caring for a horse, or training, or sheer nonsense, like
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