In this colorful Garden Ponds Made Easy title, authors Dennis Kelsey-Wood and Tom Barthell have provided an essential guide for first-time pond enthusiasts. The authors outline all of the considerations for starting out with a new pond, including determining the site, style, size of the pond, and deciding on the construction of the pond (whether preformed, concrete, or fiberglass). Garden Ponds offers a chapter on water which discusses water che ...
Author Ray Hunziker, longtime editor of Tropical Fish Hobbyist magazine and lifelong fish keeper, is the ideal tutor for aquarists looking to take a dive into the saltwater end of the tank! Marine Aquariums begins with a discussion of seawater and water quality, the most critical part of keeping marine fishes happily swimming (and breathing) in their tank. Hunziker continues with a step-by-step explanation of setting up a marine aquarium, discus ...
Livebearers focuses on four families of fish which contain many of the most attractive and popular species in the tropical fish hobby today, including guppies, mollies, swordtails, and platies. The families include Goodeidae (Mexican livebearers), Anablepidae (four-eyes and others), Poeciliidae (guppies and others); and Hemirhamphidae (halfbeaks). Author David Alderton explains that hobbyists have applied the term livebearer to these four famili ...
David Alderton’s investigation of anabantoids, the Asiatic gouramis—the bettas and gouramis, including Siamese fighting fish, paradisefish, kissing gouramis, begins with a look at the origins of these adaptable and widely varying fishes in their Asiatic homelands, where they’ve been popular for hundreds of years. Given the considerable size range of this group of fishes, from the tiny licorice gourami (only 1.5 in or ...
For beginning aquatic fancier looking to start out right with fish, Freshwater Aquariums by David Alderton is the ideal primer. A vertebrate that breathe primarily by means of gills and swim by means of fins is the author’s lead-in to the first chapter called “What are Fish?” Alderton builds the reader’s confidence by providing solid information about what fish are anatomically speaking, how they evolved, h ...
One of the most popular choices for home aquariums, CICHLIDS come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. From the Fish Keeping Made Easy series, this book covers diet and nutrition, recognizing and treating illness, biology, breeding and more. ...
Made famous on The Martha Stewart Show on television and Sirius radio, Marc Morrone is front and center to answer his viewers’ (and his readers’) many questions about their favorite pets. In Ask the Bird Keeper, Marc’s quirky, entertaining personality shines on every page as he spews out his wisdom, know-how, and hilarious anecdotes to answer dozens of questions. Divided into nine chapters, this book offers answers ...
Made famous on The Martha Stewart Show on television and Sirius radio, Marc Morrone is front and center to answer his viewers’ (and his readers’) many questions about their favorite pets. In Ask the Cat Keeper, Marc’s quirky, entertaining personality shines on every page as he spews out his wisdom, know-how, and hilarious anecdotes to answer dozens of questions. Cat owners will learn about topics ranging from feedin ...
Made famous on The Martha Stewart Show on television and Sirius radio, Marc Morrone is front and center to answer his viewers’ (and his readers’) many questions about their favorite pets. In Ask the Fish Keeper, Marc’s quirky, entertaining personality shines on every page as he spews out his wisdom, know-how, and hilarious anecdotes to answer dozens of questions.Divided into ten chapters, Marc tackles a range of top ...