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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)

 Автор: Donna Anastasi

  The delightful South American “unrodent-like rodent” known as the chinchilla makes a playful and affectionate companion animal. Author Donna Anastasi refers to them as “inquisitive, sensitive, intelligent, and active,” the ideal combination of intelligence and interaction anyone would want in a small pet.This Complete Care Made Easy title is an ideal introductory pet guide about the chinchilla, with detailed
 The Original Horse Bible
 The Original Horse Bible

 Автор: Sharon Biggs

  The most comprehensive single volume dedicated to horses, The Original Horse Bible is a celebration of the long relationship that humans and horses enjoy, written by two highly regarded horsewomen, the late Moira C. Allen and Sharon Biggs. This 480-page volume, elaborately illustrated by world-renowned horse photographer Bob Langrish, is divided into eleven sections, covering topics that span the world of horses, from evolution and domestication

 Автор: Nikki Moustaki

  The adorable conure, named for its conically shaped tail, is one of the world’s favorite parrots and the subject of this Complete Care Made Easy pet guide that presents new and experienced bird keepers with insight into every aspect of selecting, caring for, and maintaining well-behaved happy pet birds.Bird specialist and trainer Nikki Moustaki has written an ideal introductory pet guide about the boisterous conure, with chapters on th


 Автор: Nikki Moustaki

  Author Nikki Moustaki certainly cannot resist the splendid lovebird, and her valentine to this irresistible avian wonder is the subject of this Complete Care Made Easy pet guide. This colorful guide offers vital information to both new and experienced bird keepers about this hookbilled parrot, covering all aspects of selecting, caring for, and maintaining well-behaved happy pet birds.Bird specialist and trainer Moustaki has written an ideal intr
 The Culinary Canine
 The Culinary Canine

 Автор: Kathryn Levy Feldman

  Thirty of America’s most talented gourmet chefs reveal themselves as unabashed dog lovers who cook for their own dogs. Thanks to the talents of author Kathryn Levy Feldman and photographer Sabine Louise Pierce, The Culinary Canine brings forth the stories of these chefs, portraits of their spoiled, well-fed canines, and over thirty unique (and doable) recipes! Among the chefs interviewed and featured in this book are restaurant owners

 Автор: Angela Davids

  This Complete Care Made Easy title offers first-time cockatiel owners insight into every aspect of selecting, caring for, and maintaining well-behaved happy pet birds.Angela Davids and her flock of bird experts have put together an ideal introductory pet guide, with chapters on the characteristics and history of the charming cocktail, selection of a healthy, typical cockatiel, housing and care, feeding, training, and keeping the bird healthy.The
 Complete Care Made Easy, Hamsters
 Complete Care Made Easy, Hamsters

 Автор: Virginia Parker Guidry

  Ever since hamsters arrived in the United States in the 1950s, they have topped the list as America’s favorite critter. Hailed as “the ultimate pocket pet,” hamsters are “small, cute, fuzzy, clean, and easy to care for,” in the words of author Virginia Parker Guidry. Filled with terrific color photographs, this Complete Care Made Easy Hamsters encapsulates all the virtues of these flawless little m
 Guinea Pigs
 Guinea Pigs

 Автор: Virginia Parker Guidry

  “Compact, easy-to-care-for, and a bundle of fun” is how author Virginia Parker Guidry describes the irresistible guinea pig. Ideal pets for families with children, cavies (as they’re often called) are clean, odorless, gentle, loving, and entertaining. This Complete Care Made Easy Guinea Pigs encapsulates all the virtues of these perfect small mammals and gives new owners practical advice about how to care for them. I

 Автор: Sandy Meyer

  Complete Care Made Easy books address all the major concerns about owning and training a small pet. Each care book offers practical advice, emergency first aid tips, fun activities, and more! Look to the training titles for in-depth training techniques and helpful tips.
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