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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Murfy Finds A Home
 Murfy Finds A Home

 Автор: Robert E. Marier

  MURFY FINDS A HOME is a musical storybook. It's a warm story about Grandpa Bob, who lives in a country home, and his growing friendship and shared adventures with a mouse called Murfy. Delightful embedded songs, sung by the characters, amplify the storyline. Two additional original lullabies and a fun quiz make for a memorable pleasure for kids from 3-8. There is optional narration, wonderful hand drawn illustrations and limited interact
 Parisian Tails
 Parisian Tails

 Автор: Stephen Hayes

  Meet Paris, the spunky seeing-eye dog. This yellow Labrador had style, intelligence, and such a mischievous nature that she could simply ignore you if you tried to interrupt what she was doing.<br><br>With a playful demeanour, soft coat and paintbrush tail, Paris was just Paris; a larger than life character who gave unconditional love to everyone in the family and beyond.<br><br>In the nine years that she lived with Steph
 Wolverine Photography in Finland: A Conservation Success Story
 Wolverine Photography in Finland: A Conservation Success Story

 Автор: Sonja V. Thompson FRPS

  A book of images of a Wolverine family deep in the forest of Northern Finland.<br><br>Some of these photographs show behaviour that has rarely been seen in the wild – a female Wolverine lactating, and feeding kits outside of the den, and that are already two thirds fully grown.This book is also a tribute to the Conservation efforts to bring this animal back from the brink of extinction in Finland.

 The World's Most Dangerous Animals
 The World's Most Dangerous Animals

 Автор: Kevin Baker Baker

  A look at the most dangerous animals from around the world, from Indian red scorpions, giant centipedes and venomous spiders to bull sharks and Asian giant hornets.<br>Animals that can all kill a human being in an unlucky encounter . . .
 A Girl and her Pit Bull
 A Girl and her Pit Bull

 Автор: Aliette Silva

  The story of a girl forming an unbreakable bond with a pit bull.
 African Safari Adventures
 African Safari Adventures

 Автор: Thomas Walsh

  It was pure serendipity that we went on an African safari, but we are forever grateful that we did. We combined a visit with my brother and sister-in-law, a doctor and nurse volunteering at a hospital in Uganda with a safari to Rwanda, Kenya and Tanzania.<br><br>Enjoy reading about what it was like to volunteer at a hospital in a small town in southwestern Uganda and the excitement and adventure of trekking mountain gorillas in Rwand
 Do As I Say, Not As I Did
 Do As I Say, Not As I Did

 Автор: Michael N. Marcus

  LAUGH & LEARN <br><br>This bestselling book is a collection of amusing anecdotes and useful advice on a wide range of subjects: money, relationships, parenting, business, work, cars, food & drink, life & death, education, health, technology, media, aging, time, animals, baseball, sailing, sex, writing & publishing and law. <br><br>The book is the sad&mdash;and also humorous and helpful&mdash;story
 JIN SHIN JYUTSU For Your Animal Companions
 JIN SHIN JYUTSU For Your Animal Companions

 Автор: Adele Leas

  Learn the basic techniques of the ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu for use on animal companions to promote healing, health and harmony of body, mind and spirit. <br><br>The book is based on Mary Burmeister&#39;s Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help books 1 and 2, which are said to contain the essence of this &quot;Art of the Creator through Compassionate Man.&quot; <br><br>Includes step by step directions and color illustr
 Lemon Trees and Bumblebees
 Lemon Trees and Bumblebees

 Автор: Diane Sherrouse

  Lemon Trees and Bumblebees presents the magic of pollination, the dance of bees and flowers, to a young audience. With engaging wit and charm, using just the right combination of creative descriptions and fanciful illustrations, this book will entrance readers of all ages.<br><br>Children can discover an early interest in science and nature as they follow these busy bees all the way to the fun on the last page. Child-friendly recipes
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