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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Зарубежная религиозная и эзотерическая литература
 Blessed to Bless
 Blessed to Bless

 Автор: Tim Sean Youmans

  A guide aimed at teens to bring greater understanding of the historical context behind biblical stories
Many Christians are vaguely familiar with numerous Bible stories but do not know their context in the literary or historical arc of the Bible. Blessed to Bless gives meaningful organization to the multitude of Bible stories covered in over 1500 years of religious history. Primarily for teenagers, this book can be a resource for any ind
 Jesus of Nazareth: A Person Like Us?
 Jesus of Nazareth: A Person Like Us?

 Автор: Roger Lenaers

  Born of a virgin, crucified under Pontius Pilate, died and was buried, and rose again on the third day – this, the Church’s conception of Jesus, is based on mystical and mythological thinking. But Jesus is not a citizen of another world, he is not an alien who dwelt amongst us for a short time. He is no omniscient and almighty miracle worker. And he is not an only-begotten Son of God. The author looks at the gospels from a modern angle. Was Jesu
 Presupposition and [E]motion
 Presupposition and [E]motion

 Автор: Roque N. Albuquerque

 Творчество. Высвобождение внутренних сил
 Творчество. Высвобождение внутренних сил

 Автор: Ошо (Бхагаван Шри Раджниш)

  Творчество – это уникальная возможность развить собственную индивидуальность, обрести свободу и стать личностью. Но… не каждый из нас такой возможностью пользуется. В этой книге Ошо говорит, что творческое мышление очень важно для того, чтобы стать осознаннее и почувствовать силу своего «Я». Великий мистик утверждает, что если мы хотим быть творческими, то нам придется избавиться от всей обусловленности; иначе творчество будет просто копировани
 On Earth as It Is in Heaven
 On Earth as It Is in Heaven

 Автор: Eric Atcheson

  An economic justice toolkit for Christians
The church is positioned to be an ally of the poor and laborers in their search for social justice and equality, but only if it actively chooses to be. Numerous passages in Scripture convey God’s strong disapproval of inequality point toward a religious imperative to speak out. What are the most effective ways to frame and facilitate discussions about poverty, and how can pastors and activists a
 A Way with Words
 A Way with Words

 Автор: Adam T. Trambley

  A vital resource for pastors who seek to transform the culture of their church
A Way with Words demonstrates the power of the weekly sermon to change the culture of a congregation. Using the analogy of language learning, Adam Trambley shows how a consistent ministry focus over an eighteen-month period can help a church address areas that inhibit growth even as the pastor preaches on a diversity of subjects or uses a lectionary. The autho
 Recibiendo a Jesus
 Recibiendo a Jesus

 Автор: Mariann Edgar Budde

  Formas practicas e inspiradoras de practicar una vida centrada en Jesus A menudo pensamos en la fe cristiana como una obligacion o como un conjunto de creencias que debemos seguir. Si seguimos esta idea podemos perder de vista lo mas importante: la invitacion a experimentar una relacion amorosa y personal con Dios. Esta es una relacion en la que podemos confiar, en la que podemos encontrar proteccion y tierra segura sobre la cual pararnos. Mari
 Prophetic Preaching
 Prophetic Preaching

 Автор: Группа авторов

  A collection of provocative, inspiring, and thoughtful essays about the place of politics in the pulpit.
This book is the first collection of essays to explore the question: is there room for politics from the pulpit? In response to an increasingly polarized society, preachers grapple with the call to witness a unifying Truth in a world where truth appears subjective. While many congregations respond positively to social and political th
 Finding Shelter
 Finding Shelter

 Автор: Russell J. Levenson Jr.

  Short, accessible meditations and photography to guide you through the season
Author and pastor Russ Levenson invites readers to “find shelter” in time each day with Jesus.
Forty meditations, scripture passages, reflections for contemplation, and prayers fill this volume designed to accompany and encourage readers throughout autumn. Each daily devotional entry includes a concluding thought and closing prayer. Every meditation inc
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