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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Зарубежная религиозная и эзотерическая литература
 The Pastor's First Love
 The Pastor's First Love

 Автор: Donald N. Bastian

  Wise and practical essays on the pastor as shepherd, preacher, worship leader, and professional
 Forty Days with the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion
 Forty Days with the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion

 Автор: Robert G. W. Langmaid

  The Thirty-nine Articles of Religion of the Church of England .Are they a dusty relic of the sixteenth century, with little to say to Anglican Christians in this brave new world of the twenty-first century? Or do they form a statement that is ideally suited to strengthen and unify them in their faith?Robert Langmaid argues that the latter is the case. He believes that the articles, which were written by English Reformers in 1533 and put in thei
 The Committed Self
 The Committed Self

 Автор: Victor A. Shepherd

  The Committed Self is a clear and compelling introduction to Existentialism, the root of Postmodernism and, according to Victor A. Shepherd, still the most significant philosophy of our times. Focusing on Hegel, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Buber, Heidegger, and Sartre and their passionate commitment to the authenticity of the self, Shepherd maintains that Existentialism has much to say to Christians with its understanding of:What it is to be a hum

 How I Triumphed Over Multiple Traumas
 How I Triumphed Over Multiple Traumas

 Автор: Ernest Nullmeyer

  Over the past 9 decades Ernie Nullmeyer has had his share of mountain top experiences but along with them came many deep valleys. The devastating, often painful vicissitudes of his life would have overwhelmed most people. But Ernie learned that the secret to a joyful, effervescent, meaningful life is not in some skill related to avoiding the troubles, uncertainty and suffering that life will bring, but in responding to everything that comes our
 The Shepherd and His Staff
 The Shepherd and His Staff

 Автор: Theodore Mistra

  This book is about leadership. It is, in fact, about the greatest leader model who ever lived. Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges were the first to encourage us to follow Jesus as the ultimate example of leadership for all purposes. Theodore Mistra applied this principle to his own career and learned that even an executive’s highest calling is to become just such a shepherd leader. In The Shepherd and His Staff Mistra illustrates what the Bible revea
 Hannah’s Hope
 Hannah’s Hope

 Автор: Paul H Boge

  This is the true story about Hannah, a happy and imaginative little girl growing up in rural Kenya. But suddenly Hannah and her little sister are left all alone with the death of their parents and are faced with a desperate-looking future. They find temporary refuge and hope for a better life with her grandparents. But that hope fades when they are not able to support the young girls. Then, in the midst of what seems like a hopeless future, hop
 Faith, Leadership and Public Life
 Faith, Leadership and Public Life

 Автор: Preston Manning

  The connection between faith, leadership and public life is a complex one as Preston Manning knows all too well from his years as a scout and trailblazer on Canada’s political frontiers. Now, in his new book Faith, Leadership and Public Life: Leadership Lessons from Moses to Jesus he fearlessly tackles this subject by drawing upon his own years in Canada’s parliament and political arena and upon relevant lessons to be learned from the public liv
 Because God Was There
 Because God Was There

 Автор: Belma Diana Vardy

  This is the amazing and true story of Belma Vardy, who as a young child lived through the brutal and terrifying events that accompanied the end of World War II and the sudden erection of the Berlin Wall, when East was separated from West and families were ripped apart.
The trauma Belma endured during those years would have destroyed most people. If they had survived, they would have been severely crippled emotionally. But Belma found th
 Becoming His Story
 Becoming His Story

 Автор: Mary-Elsie Wolfe

  We are participating in changes that will soon define this period in history! As followers of Jesus, we want to immerse ourselves in this living story while learning from Jesus, living like Jesus and leading like Jesus so we may apply his principles and become transformational participants in the best story ever told. With a view towards helping us understand these principles by first identifying our own worldview, and better understanding the c
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