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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Зарубежная прикладная литература
 Букеты, венки, гирлянды и аранжировка различных украшений и изделий из живых цветов, а также из сухого материала
 Букеты, венки, гирлянды и аранжировка различных украшений и изделий из живых цветов, а также из сухого материала

 Автор: И. К. Шмидт
 Год: 1913

  Книга И. К. Шмидта «Букеты, венки, гирлянды» была впервые издана в России в конце XIX – начале XX вв. И стала первым руководством по флористике на русском языке. Ее можно назвать настоящей энциклопедией искусства аранжировки. В книге представлена техника изготовления всех основных флористических изделий из живых цветов. букетов, корзин, венков, гирлянд, свадебных «гарнитуров» и т. д. Даны рекомендации по украшению праздничного стола, оформлению
 Ключевые идеи книги: Transcend. Девять шагов на пути к вечной жизни. Рэй Курцвейл, Терри Гроссман
 Ключевые идеи книги: Transcend. Девять шагов на пути к вечной жизни. Рэй Курцвейл, Терри Гроссман

 Автор: Smart Reading
 Год: 2020

  Этот текст – сокращенная версия книги Рэя Курцвейла и Терри Гроссмана «Transcend. Девять шагов на пути к вечной жизни». Только самые ценные мысли, идеи, кейсы, примеры. Бестселлер «Transcend. Девять шагов на пути к вечной жизни» написан экспертом по долголетию и футурологом. Уже сегодня медицина обретает черты информационной технологии, которая развивается по экспоненте. По прогнозу авторов, если протянуть ближайшие 20–30 лет, то потом можно б
 Science in the Arena
 Science in the Arena

 Автор: Blane Baker

  The arena of sport is filled with marvelous performances and feats that, at times, seem almost beyond belief. As curious onlookers, we often wonder whether or not athletes will reach certain peaks and what determines their limits of athletic performance. Science, with its emphasis on theoretical development and experimental results, is uniquely equipped to answer these kinds of questions. Over the past two decades, I have been asked innumerable

 The Statistical Eyeglasses
 The Statistical Eyeglasses

 Автор: Edoardo Milotti

  Science often deals with hard-to-see phenomena, and they only stand out and become real when viewed through the lens of complex statistical tools. This book is not a textbook about statistics applied to science – there are already many excellent books to choose from – rather, it tries to give an overview of the basic principles that physical scientists use to analyze their data and bring out the order of Nature from the fog of background noise.
 The Physics of Destructive Earthquakes
 The Physics of Destructive Earthquakes

 Автор: Frederick William Thomas

  This book is a concise introduction to the interactions between earthquakes and human-built structures (buildings, dams, bridges, power plants, pipelines and more). It focuses on the ways in which these interactions illustrate the application of basic physics principles and concepts, including inertia, force, shear, energy, acceleration, elasticity, friction and stability. It illustrates how conceptual and quantitative physics emerges in the day
 Truth and Traceability in Physics and Metrology
 Truth and Traceability in Physics and Metrology

 Автор: Michael Grabe

  Metrological data is known to be blurred by the imperfections of the measuring process. In retrospect, for about two centuries regular or constant errors were no focal point of experimental activities, only irregular or random error were. Today's notation of unknown systematic errors is in line with this. Confusingly enough, the worldwide practiced approach to belatedly admit those unknown systematic errors amounts to consider them as being
 Fourier Transform and Its Applications Using Microsoft EXCEL®
 Fourier Transform and Its Applications Using Microsoft EXCEL®

 Автор: Shinil Cho

  This book demonstrates Microsoft EXCEL-based Fourier transform of selected physics examples. Spectral density of the auto-regression process is also described in relation to Fourier transform. Rather than offering rigorous mathematics, readers will «try and feel» Fourier transform for themselves through the examples. Readers can also acquire and analyze their own data following the step-by-step procedure explained in this book. A hands-on acoust
 Optical Fiber Multiplexing and Emerging Techniques
 Optical Fiber Multiplexing and Emerging Techniques

 Автор: Syed H Murshid

  This book begins with the history and fundamentals of optical fiber communications. Then, briefly introduces existing optical multiplexing techniques and finally focuses on spatial domain multiplexing (SDM), aka space division multiplexing, and orbital angular momentum of photon based multiplexing. These are two emerging multiplexing techniques that have added two new degrees of photon freedom to optical fibers.
 Disorder in Domain Theory
 Disorder in Domain Theory

 Автор: Keye Martin

  Domain theory, a subject that arose as a response to natural concerns in the semantics of computation, studies ordered sets which possess an unusual amount of mathematical structure. This book explores its connection with quantum information science and the concept that relates them: disorder. This is not a literary work. It can be argued that its subject, domain theory and quantum information science, does not even really exist, which makes th
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