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Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Зарубежная прикладная литература
 Outside the Research Lab, Volume 2
 Outside the Research Lab, Volume 2

 Автор: Sharon Ann Holgate

  This book explores the physics and technology inherent to preserving and restoring old forms of transport as well as creating modern transport for today and for our future needs. This book provides readers with interesting insight into some of the diverse applications for physics outside of research laboratories. It also covers several different aspects of transport, ranging from the restoration of vintage buses to the materials used in the late
 Numerical Solutions of Boundary Value Problems with Finite Difference Method
 Numerical Solutions of Boundary Value Problems with Finite Difference Method

 Автор: Sujaul Chowdhury

  This book contains an extensive illustration of use of finite difference method in solving the boundary value problem numerically. A wide class of differential equations has been numerically solved in this book. Starting with differential equations of elementary functions like hyperbolic, sine and cosine, we have solved those of special functions like Hermite, Laguerre and Legendre. Those of Airy function, of stationary localised wavepacket, of
 From Complex to Simple
 From Complex to Simple

 Автор: H. Thomas Williams

  This book presents simple interdisciplinary stochastic models meant as a gentle introduction to the field of non-equilibrium statistical physics. It focuses on the analysis of two-state models with cooperative effects, which are versatile enough to be applied to many physical and social systems. The book also explores a variety of mathematical techniques to solve the master equations that govern these models: matrix theory, empty-interval method

 Airborne Maritime Surveillance Radar
 Airborne Maritime Surveillance Radar

 Автор: Simon Watts

  Today, air-to-surface vessel (ASV) radars, or more generally maritime surveillance radars, are installed on maritime reconnaissance aircraft for long-range detection, tracking and classification of surface ships (ASuW – Air to Surface Warfare) and for hunting submarines (ASW – anti-submarine warfare). Such radars were first developed in the UK during WWII as part of the response to the threat to shipping from German U-Boats. This book describes
 Airborne Maritime Surveillance Radar
 Airborne Maritime Surveillance Radar

 Автор: Simon Watts

  Today, air-to-surface vessel (ASV) radars, or more generally airborne maritime surveillance radars, are installed on maritime reconnaissance aircraft for long-range detection, tracking and classification of surface ships (ASuW—anti-surface warfare) and for hunting submarines (ASW—anti-submarine warfare). Such radars were first developed in the UK during WWII as part of the response to the threat to shipping from German U boats. This book describ
 Science and Computing with Raspberry Pi
 Science and Computing with Raspberry Pi

 Автор: Brian R Kent

  The world of single-board computing puts powerful coding tools in the palm of your hand. The portable Raspberry Pi computing platform with the power of Linux yields an exciting exploratory tool for beginning scientific computing. Science and Computing with Raspberry Pi takes the enterprising researcher, student, or hobbyist through explorations in a variety of computing exercises with the physical sciences. The book has tutorials and exercises
 The Continuing Quest for Missile Defense
 The Continuing Quest for Missile Defense

 Автор: Peter Pella

  For almost three quarters of a century, the United States has spent billions of dollars and countless person-hours in the pursuit of a national missile defense system that would protect the country from intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) carrying nuclear warheads. The system currently in place consists of 44 long-range antiballistic missiles stationed in Alaska and California to protect the United States from a possible nuclear weapon ca
 Adventures with Lissajous Figures
 Adventures with Lissajous Figures

 Автор: Thomas B Greenslade Jr

  Lissajous Figures are produced by combining two oscillations at right angles to each other. The figures, drawn by mechanical devices called Harmonographs, have scientific uses, but are also enjoyed for their own beauty. The author has been working with harmonographs since his undergraduate days, has built several of them, lectured about them and has written articles about them. This book is intended for people who enjoy physics or art or both.
 Numerical Solutions of Initial Value Problems Using Mathematica
 Numerical Solutions of Initial Value Problems Using Mathematica

 Автор: Sujaul Chowdhury

  The book contains a detailed account of numerical solutions of differential equations of elementary problems of Physics using Euler and 2nd order Runge-Kutta methods and Mathematica 6.0. The problems are motion under constant force (free fall), motion under Hooke's law force (simple harmonic motion), motion under combination of Hooke's law force and a velocity dependent damping force (damped harmonic motion) and radioactive decay law.
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