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Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Зарубежная образовательная литература
 What Is Sociolinguistics?
 What Is Sociolinguistics?

 Автор: Gerard Herk Van

  How is our language affected by our ethnicity, gender, and region? How are our conversations and other interactions structured? How does society view and regulate language? How do we use language to present ourselves to others? In this revised and updated second edition of the popular What Is Sociolinguistics? Gerard Van Herk explores these and other intriguing questions about language, how we use it, and its relationships to society. Van Herk g
 An Introduction to Language
 An Introduction to Language

 Автор: Kirk Hazen

  An Introduction to Language offers an engaging guide to the nature of language, focusing on how language works – its sounds, words, structures, and phrases – all investigated through wide-ranging examples from Old English to contemporary pop culture. Explores the idea of a scientific approach to language, inviting students to consider what qualities of language comprise everyday skills for us, be they sounds, words, phrases, or conversation Help
 American Constitutional History: A Brief Introduction
 American Constitutional History: A Brief Introduction

 Автор: Jack Fruchtman

  American Constitutional History presents a concise introduction to the constitutional developments that have taken place over the past 225 years, treating trends from history, law, and political science. Presents readers with a brief and accessible introduction to more than two centuries of U.S. constitutional history Explores constitutional history chronologically, breaking U.S. history into five distinct periods Reveals the full sweep of const

 Second Language Acquisition and Task-Based Language Teaching
 Second Language Acquisition and Task-Based Language Teaching

 Автор: Mike Long

  This book offers an in-depth explanation of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) and the methods necessary to implement it in the language classroom successfully. Combines a survey of theory and research in instructed second language acquisition (ISLA) with insights from language teaching and the philosophy of education Details best practice for TBLT programs, including discussion of learner needs and means analysis; syllabus design; materials wr
 Communications Writing and Design. The Integrated Manual for Marketing, Advertising, and Public Relations
 Communications Writing and Design. The Integrated Manual for Marketing, Advertising, and Public Relations

 Автор: John DiMarco

  Communications Writing and Design is an integrated, project-based introduction to effective writing and design across the persuasive domains of communication. Build a strong foundation of core writing and design skills using professionally-designed examples that illustrate and reinforce key principles Readers learn and analyze techniques by creating 15 projects in marketing, advertising, PR, and social media with the help of strategy suggestions
 Strategic Communication Theory and Practice. The Cocreational Model
 Strategic Communication Theory and Practice. The Cocreational Model

 Автор: Carl Botan H.

  A guide to strategic communication that can be applied across a range of subfields at all three levels—grand strategic, strategic, and tactical communication Communication is a core function of every human organization so when you work with communication you are working with the very core of the organization. Written for students, academics, and professionals, Strategic Communication Theory and Practice: The Cocreational Model argues for a singl
 Introducing Second Language Acquisition. Perspectives and Practices
 Introducing Second Language Acquisition. Perspectives and Practices

 Автор: Kirsten Hummel M.

  Introducing Second Language Acquisition: Perspectives and Practices represents a clear and concise introduction to the main concepts, issues, and debates in second language acquisition studies aimed specifically at undergraduates encountering the topic for the first time. Follows six fictitious language learners throughout the text whose stories serve to introduce various concepts and issues Contains specific chapters on first language acquisiti
 Practical Corpus Linguistics. An Introduction to Corpus-Based Language Analysis
 Practical Corpus Linguistics. An Introduction to Corpus-Based Language Analysis

 Автор: Martin Weisser

  This is the first book of its kind to provide a practical and student-friendly guide to corpus linguistics that explains the nature of electronic data and how it can be collected and analyzed. Designed to equip readers with the technical skills necessary to analyze and interpret language data, both written and (orthographically) transcribed Introduces a number of easy-to-use, yet powerful, free analysis resources consisting of standalone program
 The Anthropology of Climate Change. An Historical Reader
 The Anthropology of Climate Change. An Historical Reader

 Автор: Michael Dove R.

  This timely anthology brings together for the first time the most important ancient, medieval, Enlightenment, and modern scholarship for a complete anthropological evaluation of the relationship between culture and climate change. Brings together for the first time the most important classical works and contemporary scholarship for a complete historical anthropological evaluation of the relationship between culture and climate change Covers the
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