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Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Зарубежная образовательная литература
 Research Methods in Intercultural Communication. A Practical Guide
 Research Methods in Intercultural Communication. A Practical Guide

 Автор: Zhu Hua

  Research Methods in Intercultural Communication introduces and contextualizes the most important methodological issues in the field for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students. Examples of these issues are which paradigms and how to research multilingually, interculturally and ethnically. Provides the first dedicated and most comprehensive volume on research methods in intercultural communication research in the last 30 years Explains ne
 Children and Media. A Global Perspective
 Children and Media. A Global Perspective

 Автор: Dafna Lemish

  Taking a global and interdisciplinary approach, Children and Media explores the role of modern media, including the internet, television, mobile media and video games, in the development of children, adolescents, and childhood. Primer to global issues and core research into children and the media integrating work from around the world Comprehensive integration of work that bridges disciplines, theoretical and research traditions and methods Cove
 Green Solvents. Supercritical Solvents
 Green Solvents. Supercritical Solvents

 Автор: Walter Leitner

  Green Chemistry is a vitally important subject area in a world where being as green and environmentally sound as possible is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Its applications include the design of chemical products and processes that help to reduce or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances. Supercritical Fluids (SCFs) and Gas-Expanded Liquids (GXLs) are of great interest in green chemistry becauser either they are nontoxic a

 Mechanical Stress on the Nanoscale. Simulation, Material Systems and Characterization Techniques
 Mechanical Stress on the Nanoscale. Simulation, Material Systems and Characterization Techniques

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Bringing together experts from the various disciplines involved, this first comprehensive overview of the current level of stress engineering on the nanoscale is unique in combining the theoretical fundamentals with simulation methods, model systems and characterization techniques. Essential reading for researchers in microelectronics, optoelectronics, sensing, and photonics.
 GSM/EDGE. Evolution and Performance
 GSM/EDGE. Evolution and Performance

 Автор: Группа авторов

  With over four billion subscribers Worldwide, GSM/EDGE is by far the World's most successful communications technology of all time. Ubiquitous, deployed in every country of the World, except in Japan and South Korea, GSM/EDGE is the result of a continued evolution that has spanned over two decades. A leading team of experts from Nokia, Nokia Siemens Networks and Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia, guide you from the history of GSM standardization to
 Green Processes. Green Nanoscience
 Green Processes. Green Nanoscience

 Автор: Alvise Perosa

  The shift towards being as environmentally-friendly as possible has resulted in the need for this important volume on the topic of green nanoscience. Edited by two rising stars in the community, Alvise Perosa and Maurizio Selva, this is an essential resource for anyone wishing to gain an understanding of the world of green chemistry, as well as for chemists, environmental agencies and chemical engineers. The Handbook of Green Chemistry comprises
 Green Solvents. Ionic Liquids
 Green Solvents. Ionic Liquids

 Автор: Peter Wasserscheid

  The shift towards being as environmentally-friendly as possible has resulted in the need for this important volume on the role of ionic liquids in green chemistry. Edited by Peter Wasserscheid, one of the pioneers of ionic liquid research, and Annegret Stark, this is an essential resource for anyone wishing to gain an understanding of the world of green chemistry, as well as for chemists, environmental agencies and chemical engineers. The Handbo
 Intercultural Communication. A Discourse Approach
 Intercultural Communication. A Discourse Approach

 Автор: Ron Scollon

  This newly revised edition is both a lively introduction and practical guide to the main concepts and challenges of intercultural communication. Grounded in interactional sociolinguistics and discourse analysis, this work integrates theoretical principles and methodological advice, presenting students, researchers, and practitioners with a comprehensive and unified resource. Features new original theory, expanded treatment of generations, gender
 Green Processes. Designing Safer Chemicals
 Green Processes. Designing Safer Chemicals

 Автор: Paul T. Anastas

  The shift towards being as environmentally-friendly as possible has resulted in the need for this important reference on the topic of designing safer chemicals. Edited by the leading international experts in the field, Robert Boethling and Adelina Votchkova, this volume covers such topics as toxicity, reducing hazards and biochemical pesticides. An essential resource for anyone wishing to gain an understanding of the world of green chemistry, as
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