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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 Зарубежная образовательная литература
 The Pragmatic Turn
 The Pragmatic Turn

 Автор: Richard Bernstein J.

  In this major new work, Richard J. Bernstein argues that many of the most important themes in philosophy during the past one hundred and fifty years are variations and developments of ideas that were prominent in the classical American pragmatists: Charles S. Peirce, William James, John Dewey and George H Mead. Pragmatism begins with a thoroughgoing critique of the Cartesianism that dominated so much of modern philosophy. The pragmatic thinkers
 Tales from Facebook
 Tales from Facebook

 Автор: Daniel Miller

  Facebook is now used by nearly 500 million people throughout the world, many of whom spend several hours a day on this site. Once the preserve of youth, the largest increase in usage today is amongst the older sections of the population. Yet until now there has been no major study of the impact of these social networking sites upon the lives of their users. This book demonstrates that it can be profound. The tales in this book reveal how Faceboo
 Temporality. Universals and Variation
 Temporality. Universals and Variation

 Автор: Maria Bittner

  Temporality surveys the ways in which languages of different types refer to past, present, and future events, through an in-depth examination of four major language types: tense-based English, tense-aspect-based Polish, aspect-based Chinese, and mood-based Kalaallisut. Cutting-edge research on directly compositional dynamic semantics of languages with and without grammatical tense New in-depth analysis of temporal, aspectual, modal, as well as n

 Depression Care Across the Lifespan
 Depression Care Across the Lifespan

 Автор: Lynne Walsh

  Depression Care across the Lifespan is a comprehensive, practical text that aims to increase knowledge and understanding of depression enabling professionals to enhance the care delivered to patients with depression. This text explores depression across all ages, starting with children and teenagers, through adulthood and finally old age. Depression Care across the Lifespan explores depression amongst different groups including children and teen
 Language in Cognition. Uncovering Mental Structures and the Rules Behind Them
 Language in Cognition. Uncovering Mental Structures and the Rules Behind Them

 Автор: Cedric Boeckx

  This textbook explores the ways in which language informs the structure and function of the human mind, offering a point of entry into the fascinating territory of cognitive science. Focusing mainly on syntactic issues, Language in Cognition is a unique contribution to this burgeoning field of study. Guides undergraduate students through the core questions of linguistics and cognitive science, and provides tools that will help them think about t
 Natural Ventilation of Buildings. Theory, Measurement and Design
 Natural Ventilation of Buildings. Theory, Measurement and Design

 Автор: David Etheridge

  Natural ventilation is considered a prerequisite for sustainable buildings and is therefore in line with current trends in the construction industry. The design of naturally ventilated buildings is more difficult and carries greater risk than those that are mechanically ventilated. A successful result relies increasingly on a good understanding of the abilities and limitations of the theoretical and experimental procedures that are used for desi
 Castells and the Media. Theory and Media
 Castells and the Media. Theory and Media

 Автор: Philip Howard N.

  One of the most prolific and respected scholars today, Manuel Castells has given us a new language for understanding the impact of information and communication technologies on social life. Politicians can no longer run for office without a digital media strategy, new communication technologies are a fundamental infrastructure for the economy, and the internet has become an invaluable tool for cultural production and consumption. Yet as more of
 Promotional Cultures. The Rise and Spread of Advertising, Public Relations, Marketing and Branding
 Promotional Cultures. The Rise and Spread of Advertising, Public Relations, Marketing and Branding

 Автор: Aeron Davis

  In the twenty-first century, promotion is everywhere and everything has become promotable: everyday goods and organizations, people and ideas, cultures and futures. This engaging book looks at the rise of advertising, public relations, branding, marketing and lobbying, and explores where our promotional times have taken us. Promotional Cultures documents how the professions and practices of promotion have interacted with and reshaped so much in
 The Copywriter's Toolkit. The Complete Guide to Strategic Advertising Copy
 The Copywriter's Toolkit. The Complete Guide to Strategic Advertising Copy

 Автор: Margo Berman

  Written from a real-world perspective by an award-winning copywriter/producer/director, this comprehensive guide is what every writer needs to create powerful, strategic ad copy. Focusing on strategy, technique, and the skills needed to write for different media, The Copywriter’s Toolkit book will sharpen your copywriting skills whatever your level. Introduces essential conceptual strategies and key writing techniques for result-driven copy Prov
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