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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Зарубежная образовательная литература
 Connections for the Digital Age. Multimedia Communications for Mobile, Nomadic and Fixed Devices
 Connections for the Digital Age. Multimedia Communications for Mobile, Nomadic and Fixed Devices

 Автор: E. Carne Bryan

  Explores and analyzes past and current technologies and trends in multimedia communication Digital natives—those persons born in the digital age—have an ever-widening range of wireless-enabled devices at their disposal. They are the drivers of multimedia communications, continually seeking out the technologies and distribution channels that best match their needs. This book outlines the changes in telecommunications that are occurring to meet th
 Merchants of Culture. The Publishing Business in the Twenty-First Century
 Merchants of Culture. The Publishing Business in the Twenty-First Century

 Автор: John Thompson B.

  These are turbulent times in the world of book publishing. For nearly five centuries the methods and practices of book publishing remained largely unchanged, but at the dawn of the twenty-first century the industry finds itself faced with perhaps the greatest challenges since Gutenberg. A combination of economic pressures and technological change is forcing publishers to alter their practices and think hard about the future of the books in the d
 Mindfulness-integrated CBT. Principles and Practice
 Mindfulness-integrated CBT. Principles and Practice

 Автор: Bruno Cayoun A.

  Mindfulness-integrated CBT: Principles and Practice represents the first set of general principles and practical guidelines for the integration of mindfulness meditation with well-documented and newly developed CBT techniques to address a broad range of psychological dysfunctions. The first book to provide a strong rationale and general guidelines for the implementation of mindfulness meditation integrated with CBT for a wide range of psychologi

 An Introduction to Search Engines and Web Navigation
 An Introduction to Search Engines and Web Navigation

 Автор: Mark Levene

  This book is a second edition, updated and expanded to explain the technologies that help us find information on the web. Search engines and web navigation tools have become ubiquitous in our day to day use of the web as an information source, a tool for commercial transactions and a social computing tool. Moreover, through the mobile web we have access to the web's services when we are on the move. This book demystifies the tools that we use wh
 Handbook of Smart Antennas for RFID Systems
 Handbook of Smart Antennas for RFID Systems

 Автор: Nemai Karmakar Chandra

  The Handbook of Smart Antennas for RFID Systems is a single comprehensive reference on the smart antenna technologies applied to RFID. This book will provide a timely reference book for researchers and students in the areas of both smart antennas and RFID technologies. It is the first book to combine two of the most important wireless technologies together in one book. The handbook will feature chapters by leading experts in both academia and in
 The ComSoc Guide to Managing Telecommunications Projects
 The ComSoc Guide to Managing Telecommunications Projects

 Автор: Celia Desmond

  This pocket guide provides an overview of the telecommunications environment as it has evolved over the past few years, illustrating the need for project management, the significance of project success to the companies, and the application of key project management processes within the telecom environment. Topics covered include: scope management, time management, cost management, procurement management, risk management, communications, quality,
 Reconfigurable Radio Systems. Network Architectures and Standards
 Reconfigurable Radio Systems. Network Architectures and Standards

 Автор: Maria Iacobucci Stella

  Covers the state of the art of the technology and standards for reconfigurable radio systems, from self organizing networks and cognitive radio, through to reconfigurable architectures for networks and terminals This timely book provides a standards-based view of the development, evolution, techniques and potential future scenarios for the deployment of reconfigurable radio systems. After an introduction to radiomobile and radio systems deployed
 Thermo-Mechanical Industrial Processes. Modeling and Numerical Simulation
 Thermo-Mechanical Industrial Processes. Modeling and Numerical Simulation

 Автор: Jean-Michel Bergheau

  The numerical simulation of manufacturing processes and of their mechanical consequences is of growing interest in industry. However, such simulations need the modeling of couplings between several physical phenomena such as heat transfer, material transformations and solid or fluid mechanics, as well as to be adapted to numerical methodologies. This book gathers a state of the art on how to simulate industrial processes, what data are needed an
 Conversation Analysis. An Introduction
 Conversation Analysis. An Introduction

 Автор: Jack Sidnell

  Combining the main findings, methods and analytic techniques of this central approach to language and social interaction, along with real-life examples and step-by-step explanations, Conversation Analysis is the ideal student guide to the field. Introduces the main findings, methods and analytic techniques of conversation analysis (CA) – a growing interdisciplinary field exploring language and social interaction Provides an engaging historical o
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