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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Зарубежная образовательная литература
 Dying Words. Endangered Languages and What They Have to Tell Us
 Dying Words. Endangered Languages and What They Have to Tell Us

 Автор: Nicholas Evans

  The next century will see more than half of the world’s 6,000 languages become extinct, and most of these will disappear without being adequately recorded. Written by one of the leading figures in language documentation, this fascinating book explores what humanity stands to lose as a result. Explores the unique philosophy, knowledge, and cultural assumptions of languages, and their impact on our collective intellectual heritage Questions why su
 Lessons from Fort Apache. Beyond Language Endangerment and Maintenance
 Lessons from Fort Apache. Beyond Language Endangerment and Maintenance

 Автор: M. Nevins Eleanor

  This incisive ethnographic analysis of indigenous language documentation, maintenance, and revitalization focuses on linguistic heritage issues on the Native American reservation at Fort Apache and explores the broader social, political and religious influences on changing language practices in indigenous communities. Offers a focused ethnographic analysis of an indigenous community that also explores global issues of language endangerment and m
 The Sounds of Language. An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology
 The Sounds of Language. An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology

 Автор: Elizabeth Zsiga C.

  The Sounds of Language is an introductory guide to the linguistic study of speech sounds, which provides uniquely balanced coverage of both phonology and phonetics. Features exercises and problem sets, as well as supporting online resources at www.wiley.com/go/zsiga, including additional discussion questions and exercises, as well as links to further resources such as sound files, video files, and useful websites Creates opportunities for studen

 English Phonetics and Phonology. An Introduction
 English Phonetics and Phonology. An Introduction

 Автор: Philip Carr

  The second edition of the popular English Phonetics and Phonology textbook has been extensively updated and expanded to offer greater flexibility for teachers and increased support for non-native speakers studying the sound systems of English. An ideal introduction to the study of the sound systems of English, designed for those with no previous knowledge of the subject Second edition now rigorously updated and expanded to reflect feedback from
 Research Methods in Child Language. A Practical Guide
 Research Methods in Child Language. A Practical Guide

 Автор: Erika Hoff

  This is a comprehensive and accessible guide to the methods researchers use to study child language, written by experienced scholars in the study of language development. Presents a comprehensive survey of laboratory and naturalistic techniques used in the study of different domains of language, age ranges, and populations, and explains the questions addressed by each technique Presents new research methods, such as the use of functional Near In
 71st Conference on Glass Problems. A Collection of Papers Presented at the 71st Conference on Glass Problems, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, October 19-20, 2010
 71st Conference on Glass Problems. A Collection of Papers Presented at the 71st Conference on Glass Problems, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, October 19-20, 2010

 Автор: Charles H. Drummond, III

  This issue contains a collection of papers presented at the 71st Conference on Glass Problems, October 19-20, 2010 at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Topics include glass melting; glass science, defects; safety; refractories; recycling; controls; and raw materials.
 Organizational Change. Creating Change Through Strategic Communication
 Organizational Change. Creating Change Through Strategic Communication

 Автор: Laurie Lewis

  Organizational Change integrates major empirical, theoretical and conceptual approaches to implementing communication in organizational settings. Laurie Lewis ties together the disparate literatures in management, education, organizational sociology, and communication to explore how the practices and processes of communication work in real-world cases of change implementation. Gives a bold and comprehensive overview of communication research and
 Doing Optimality Theory. Applying Theory to Data
 Doing Optimality Theory. Applying Theory to Data

 Автор: John McCarthy J.

  Doing Optimality Theory brings together examples and practical, detailed advice for undergraduates and graduate students working in linguistics. Given that the basic premises of Optimality Theory are markedly different from other linguistic theories, this book presents the analytic techniques and new ways of thinking and theorizing that are required. Explains how to do analysis and research using Optimality Theory (OT) – a branch of phonology th
 Qualitative Research Methods. Collecting Evidence, Crafting Analysis, Communicating Impact
 Qualitative Research Methods. Collecting Evidence, Crafting Analysis, Communicating Impact

 Автор: Sarah Tracy J.

  Qualitative Research Methods is a comprehensive, all-inclusive resource for the theory and practice of qualitative/ethnographic research methodology. Serves as a “how-to” guide for qualitative/ethnographic research, detailing how to design a project, conduct interviews and focus groups, interpret and analyze data, and represent it in a compelling manner Demonstrates how qualitative data can be systematically utilized to address pressing personal
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