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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 Зарубежная образовательная литература
 Green Cleaning For Dummies
 Green Cleaning For Dummies

 Автор: Betsy Sheldon

  An authoritative guide to reducing household exposure to hazardous chemicals Thousands of household products contain toxic ingredients. Today, more and more people are seeking more natural cleaning methods to reduce their exposure to harsh chemicals. From the kitchen and bath to the living room and laundry, Green Cleaning For Dummies provides readers with green solutions to every common cleaning chore. Focusing on organic, nontoxic, sustainable
 Illustrator CS4 For Dummies
 Illustrator CS4 For Dummies

 Автор: Ted Alspach

  Adobe Illustrator is the gold standard for creating exciting, color-rich artwork for print, the Web, or even mobile devices. Whether you’re stepping up to Illustrator CS4 or tackling Illustrator for the first time, you’ll find Illustrator CS4 For Dummies is the perfect partner. This full-color guide gives you the scoop on the newest tools, tips on color control and path editing, ways to organize graphics, and how to get your work into print or o
 Macro Photography Photo Workshop
 Macro Photography Photo Workshop

 Автор: Haje Jan Kamps

  Special techniques for creating unique, artistic, close-up images Macro, or close-up, photography is gaining popularity, and this book covers all of the challenges associated with taking great close-ups: depth of field, focus, and exposure. Copublished with Photoworkshop.com, a leading online educational resource for both beginning and professional photographers, this task-oriented reference allows readers to learn by doing and offers outstandin

 InDesign CS4 For Dummies
 InDesign CS4 For Dummies

 Автор: Galen Gruman

  InDesign is the preferred graphic design software, and InDesign CS4 is loaded with cool new desktop publishing features. InDesign CS4 For Dummies shows you how to use every one! Whether you’re an experienced designer or just want to create a cool newsletter for the school soccer team, you’ll benefit from Galen Gruman’s guidance. This desktop publishing expert shows you how to navigate InDesign menus, dialog boxes, panels, and panes; streamline y
 Photoshop CS4 For Dummies
 Photoshop CS4 For Dummies

 Автор: Peter Bauer

  This latest version of Photoshop has a few new tricks up its sleeve and Adobe Photoshop CS4 For Dummies will teach you how to use them. From the basics like getting your images into and out of Photoshop to enhancing, cropping, and color correction, it’s all here! You’ll get all of the basics of digital images and master the importing and exporting of images. You’ll find out how to create easy enhancements like adding shadows and highlights and m
 Nikon D60 For Dummies
 Nikon D60 For Dummies

 Автор: Julie Adair King

  You've decided to upgrade from your old point-and-shoot by purchasing the compact and economical Nikon D60, an SLR model without all the bulk. Now, make the most of your new digital camera by actually learning how to use all those options and settings! Take advantage of external controls and learn how to navigate the camera menus to fully customize internal options so that you can capture, share, and print photographs like a professional. You'll
 Manga Studio For Dummies
 Manga Studio For Dummies

 Автор: Doug Hills

  Love Manga? The newest features of Manga Studio help you bring your ideas to life! The tools available in the latest version of this powerful program make it easy to turn your computer into your drawing board, and Manga Studio For Dummies makes it easy to get started. Discover how to use Manga Studio to begin creating comics in manga or Western styles, add color to your creations, and share them with your adoring public. It’s a breeze once you k
 Business Intelligence For Dummies
 Business Intelligence For Dummies

 Автор: Swain Scheps

  You're intelligent, right? So you've already figured out that Business Intelligence can be pretty valuable in making the right decisions about your business. But you’ve heard at least a dozen definitions of what it is, and heard of at least that many BI tools. Where do you start? Business Intelligence For Dummies makes BI understandable! It takes you step by step through the technologies and the alphabet soup, so you can choose the right technol
 Coaching Basketball For Dummies
 Coaching Basketball For Dummies

 Автор: Greg Bach

  So you’re thinking about volunteering to coach youth basketball? Great! You’re in for a fun, rewarding experience. Whether you’re new to the sport and looking for some guidance or you’re a seasoned coach hunting for some fresh tips, Coaching Basketball For Dummies will help you command the court with confidence. Each friendly chapter is packed with expert advice on teaching the basics of basketball—from dribbling and shooting to rebounding and d
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