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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Зарубежная образовательная литература
 Future-Proof Web Design
 Future-Proof Web Design

 Автор: Alexander Dawson

  Best practices for flexible design that meet common challenges The web is constantly changing and evolving with an increased range of devices, browsers, and standards that need to be considered in design. Web designers know they must stay sharp in order to keep up with the rapid pace of technology change. This much-needed book teaches the art of flexible and adaptable design that can work easily with new devices, technologies, and standards. You
 Teach Yourself VISUALLY WordPress
 Teach Yourself VISUALLY WordPress

 Автор: George Plumley

  Clear the «blog fog» with this complete visual guide to the WordPress platform Teach Yourself VISUALLY WordPress, 3rd Edition introduces you to the exciting possibilities of one of the world's most popular blogging platforms, and shows you how to build your blog from idea to execution. This edition has been updated to reflect the changes and new features of WordPress, and includes coverage of mobile blogging solutions that allow you to post on t
 WordPress 24-Hour Trainer
 WordPress 24-Hour Trainer

 Автор: George Plumley

  The easy, self-paced guide to the powerful WordPress platform WordPress 24-Hour Trainer, 3rd Edition provides a comprehensive, unique book-and-video package that focuses on the practical, everyday tasks you will face when creating and maintaining WordPress websites. This easy-to-use, friendly guide will show you how to create and edit pages, integrate your site with social media, keep your site secure, make content more search engine friendly to

 Professional Visual Studio 2013
 Professional Visual Studio 2013

 Автор: Bruce Johnson

  Comprehensive guide to Visual Studio 2013 Visual Studio is your essential tool for Windows programming. Visual Studio 2013 features important updates to the user interface and to productivity. In Professional Visual Studio 2013, author, Microsoft Certified Trainer, and Microsoft Visual C# MVP Bruce Johnson brings three decades of industry experience to guide you through the update, and he doesn't just gloss over the basics. With his unique IDE-c
 SketchUp 2014 For Dummies
 SketchUp 2014 For Dummies

 Автор: Aidan Chopra

  Start building your 3D model today with a comprehensive guide to SketchUp 2014 SketchUp 2014 For Dummies is a user-friendly guide to creating 3D models, adding textures, creating animated walkthroughs, and more, using one of the most popular 3D modeling programs on the market. Fully updated to align with the release of SketchUp, the book guides you through the interface, tools, techniques, and tricks in SketchUp and SketchUp Pro, on both Windows
 Venture Capital For Dummies
 Venture Capital For Dummies

 Автор: Nicole Gravagna

  Secure venture capital? Easy. Getting a business up and running or pushing a brilliant product to the marketplace requires capital. For many entrepreneurs, a lack of start-up capital can be the single biggest roadblock to their dreams of success and fortune. Venture Capital For Dummies takes entrepreneurs step by step through the process of finding and securing venture capital for their own projects. Find and secure venture capital for your busi
 Dreamweaver CC Digital Classroom
 Dreamweaver CC Digital Classroom

 Автор: Greg Heald

  Learn Adobe Dreamweaver CC with this full-color book and DVD training package You may be eager to learn how to use Adobe Dreamweaver CC (Creative Cloud) to create great websites, but you'd like to tackle it at your own speed. If so, this book-and-DVD learning combo is perfect for you. More than 16 lessons, each including step-by-step instructions and lesson files backed by video tutorials, guide you smoothly through website design to implementat
 Windows Azure Hybrid Cloud
 Windows Azure Hybrid Cloud

 Автор: Jamal Malik

  An essential resource for implementing and managing a cloud infrastructure in Azure Serving as a critical resource for anyone responsible for strategizing, architecting, implementing or managing a cloud infrastructure, this book helps you understand what is hybrid IT and how it's applicable (and inevitable) in today's world of emerging cloud. The team of authors focus on the Microsoft concept of a private/public cloud, deploying a private cloud
 The Law of Fundraising
 The Law of Fundraising

 Автор: Bruce R. Hopkins

  Raising funds to fulfill a nonprofit organization's goals is critical to its success, but fundraising regulations are an increasingly complex maze. The Law of Fundraising, Fifth Edition is the definitive guide to demystifying federal and state fundraising regulations. With new discussion on Internet fundraising, political fundraising laws, and international fundraising, this book details federal and state laws, with an emphasis on administrative
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