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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Зарубежная образовательная литература
 An Introduction to Language Policy
 An Introduction to Language Policy

 Автор: Группа авторов

  An Introduction to Language Policy: Theories and Method is a collection of newly-written chapters that cover the major theories and methods currently employed by scholars active in the field. provides an accessible introduction to the study of language policy research and language’s role in social life consists of newly commissioned essays written by internationally recognized scholars helps define and describe a growing field of inquiry and is
 Discourse Readjustment(s) in Contemporary English
 Discourse Readjustment(s) in Contemporary English

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This study examines the linguistic tools which enable speakers and writers to propose adjustments and re-adjustments of the sentences they’ve just produced, as well as the goals they fulfil by doing so. We examine corrections, reformulations, specifications, modifications of points of views and link them with discursive strategies. (Re)-adjustments can be made in order to express oneself in a better way, to favor comprehension by adapting to the
 Application of Graph Rewriting to Natural Language Processing
 Application of Graph Rewriting to Natural Language Processing

 Автор: Guy Perrier

  The paradigm of Graph Rewriting is used very little in the field of Natural Language Processing. But graphs are a natural way of representing the deep syntax and the semantics of natural languages. Deep syntax is an abstraction of syntactic dependencies towards semantics in the form of graphs and there is a compact way of representing the semantics in an underspecified logical framework also with graphs. Then, Graph Rewriting reconciles efficien

 The Handbook of Dialectology
 The Handbook of Dialectology

 Автор: Charles Boberg
 The Ethnography of Communication
 The Ethnography of Communication

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The Ethnography of Communication presents the terms and concepts which are essential for discussing how and why language is used and how its use varies in different cultures. Presents the essential terms and concepts introduced and developed by Dell Hymes and others and surveys the most important findings and applications of their work. Draws on insights from social anthropology and psycholinguistics in investigating the patterning of communicat
 The Handbook of Speech Perception
 The Handbook of Speech Perception

 Автор: David Pisoni

  The Handbook of Speech Perception is a collection of forward-looking articles that offer a summary of the technical and theoretical accomplishments in this vital area of research on language. Now available in paperback, this uniquely comprehensive companion brings together in one volume the latest research conducted in speech perception Contains original contributions by leading researchers in the field Illustrates technical and theoretical acco
 The Handbook of Applied Linguistics
 The Handbook of Applied Linguistics

 Автор: Alan Davies

  The Handbook of Applied Linguistics is a collection of newly commissioned articles that provide a comprehensive and up-to-date picture of the field of Applied Linguistics. Provides a comprehensive and current picture of the field of Applied Linguistics. Contains 32 newly commissioned articles that examine both the applications of linguistics to language data and the use of real world language to ameliorate social problems. Valuable resource for
 The Handbook of Historical Linguistics
 The Handbook of Historical Linguistics

 Автор: Brian Joseph

  The Handbook of Historical Linguistics provides a detailed account of the numerous issues, methods, and results that characterize current work in historical linguistics, the area of linguistics most directly concerned with language change as well as past language states. Contains an extensive introduction that places the study of historical linguistics in its proper context within linguistics and the historical sciences in general Covers the met
 The Handbook of Educational Linguistics
 The Handbook of Educational Linguistics

 Автор: Bernard Spolsky

  The Handbook of Educational Linguistics is a dynamic, scientifically grounded overview revealing the complexity of this growing field while remaining accessible for students, researchers, language educators, curriculum developers, and educational policy makers. A single volume overview of educational linguistics, written by leading specialists in its many relevant fields Takes into account the diverse theoretical foundations, core themes, major
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