If you've been asked to get funding for a content strategy initiative and need to build a compelling business case, if you've been approached by your staff to implement a content strategy and want to know the business benefits, or if you've been asked to sponsor a content strategy project and don't know what one is, this book is for you. Rahel Anne Bailie and Noz Urbina come from distinctly different backgrounds, but they sha ...
Every complex product needs to be explained to its users, and technical writers, also known as technical communicators, are the ones who do that job. A growing field, technical writing requires multiple skills, including an understanding of technology, writing ability, and great people skills. Whether you're thinking of becoming a technical writer, just starting out, or you've been working for a while and feel the need to take your sk ...
Structured writing has never been more important or more confusing. We keep trying to do more and more with content, but we give ourselves less and less time to do it. Structured content can help keep your rhetoric on track and your processes efficient. But how does it do that and what is the relationship between rhetoric and process? It is easy to get lost in sea of acronyms and buzz words: semantics, XML, metadata, DITA, structure, DocBook, hy ...
The Language of Cybersecurity defines 52 terms that every business professional should know about cybersecurity, even professionals who are not specialists. Anyone who uses any kind of computing device needs to understand the importance of cybersecurity, and every business professional also needs to be able to speak intelligently with cybersecurity professionals. The Language of Cybersecurity introduces the world of cybersecurity through the ter ...
Computer terminologies are quickly becoming common household terms. To be informed of the different terminologies means to be updated of what your children might be discussing during dinner. Here's your personal guide to understanding the most common computer terms. Enjoy the «eureka» moments as you discover what those phrases you commonly hear mean. ...
Computer thieves are everywhere and most of them are untraceable for weeks – months maybe. Learning to add computer security will ensure that all sensitive information stored online are kept safe. This quick study guide is made up of important facts that you need to know about computer security. Learn about the importance of this feature by grabbing a copy today! ...
Windows 8 is the most complex form of Windows software to date. Many people have such a hard time working with Windows 8, that they have rolled back their software to Windows 7, which was a much easier platform. By using the Windows 8.1 Update Quick Reference Guide, it can easily help you to find the answers to questions you have about Windows 8. Getting quick answers, will help you to be able to learn how to use Windows 8, without too much read ...
Words 2013 is a step-by-step instructions created by Pamphlet Master as a complete guide on how to use Words 2013. This pamphlet will serve as your reference guide or training handout for all Words 2013 users. Topics covered in the pamphlet are: – The Word 2013 Screen – The Fundamentals – Keyboard Shortcuts – Navigation – Styles – Formatting – Editing – Tables – Drawing and Graphics ...
Words 2010 is a step-by-step instructions created by Pamphlet Master as a complete guide on how to use Words 2010. This pamphlet will serve as your reference guide or training handout for all Words 2010 users. Topics covered in the pamphlet are: – Features of the Microsoft Word Ribbon – Adding, Formatting, and Removing Page Numbers – Adding and Removing Line Numbers – Using the Spelling and Grammar Check – Creating and Inserting Screenshots – Ed ...