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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Законы и постановления
 Quick Guide to Community Care Practice and the Law
 Quick Guide to Community Care Practice and the Law

 Автор: Michael Mandelstam

  This short guide cuts through the confusing mass of legislation to provide a concise and jargon-free explanation of current community care practice and the law. In clear and simple language, it explains the legislation directly relevant to practitioners, including: rules about how people in need get an assessment from local authorities; the assessment of need itself; eligibility for actually getting a service (and the «fair access to care» poli
 The Comprehensive Guide to Special Education Law
 The Comprehensive Guide to Special Education Law

 Автор: George A. Giuliani

  It is vital for all professionals in the field of education to have a practical understanding of the laws that are in place to protect the children with whom they work. The Comprehensive Guide to Special Education Law is a detailed yet accessible introduction to federal law as it applies to the rights of children with special needs. Written in a user-friendly question and answer format, the book covers all of the key areas of special education
 Data Rights Law 2.0
 Data Rights Law 2.0

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Human rights, real rights, and data rights will be the three categories of fundamental rights of mankind in the future. Data rights, in essence, are the rights to share and the ultimate manifestation of data ownership. They aim at the effective use of data and holds special significance for our future life. – People.cn The digital civilization is the value justification and driving force of the creation of the data rights law, while the dat

 Data Rights Law 2.0
 Data Rights Law 2.0

 Автор: Группа авторов
 The Impact of Off-Label, Compassionate and Unlicensed Use on Health Care Laws in Preselected Countries
 The Impact of Off-Label, Compassionate and Unlicensed Use on Health Care Laws in Preselected Countries

 Автор: Vanessa Plate

  In times of situational therapeutic impasse, health care professionals (HCPs) are under pressure to conduct off-label, unlicensed and compassionate drug use—generally summarized under the term non-licensed drug use (NDU). Liability, contractual and penal risks pose a problem when treating a patient in a non-licensed way. There is a knowledge gap about institutional and governmental methods to resolve these problems. Different countries have deve
 Moral Issues in Special Education
 Moral Issues in Special Education

 Автор: Robert F. Ladenson

  The book identifies and analyzes important yet insufficiently explored moral issues in k-12 special education. It aims to achieve a successful combination of experience and theory. The experience comes from the many years the author was an Illinois special education due process hearing officer (1987-2007). The theory comes from the even more years he taught and did scholarly work in the areas of moral, political, legal, and educational philosoph
 Copyright Policies and Workflows in Libraries
 Copyright Policies and Workflows in Libraries

 Автор: Allyson Mower
 Intellectual Property Laws USA
 Intellectual Property Laws USA

 Автор: Speedy Publishing

  No matter what segment of United States law you are studying, it can be difficult to keep it all straight. When it comes to intellectual property laws, learning how they work and how to follow them can be quite the headache. That?s why using an intellectual property laws study guide that is specifically for the USA can be a great help. Whether you are a law student preparing for a test or someone who is simply trying to follow the law in order t
 iOS Programming: Starter Guide: What Every Programmer Needs to Know About iOS Programming
 iOS Programming: Starter Guide: What Every Programmer Needs to Know About iOS Programming

 Автор: Jason Scotts

  What Every Programmers Need To Know About iOS Programming Exposed! iOS Programming: Starter Guide: What Every Programmer Needs to Know About iOS Programming is a precise and concise book for any programmmer to get a quick grasp of the intricacies of iOS and how to master it quickly. The book covers:– Chapter 1- What is iOS SDK? Chapter 2- How Do You Get Started With ios- C Programming? Chapter 3- What is XCode? Chapter 4- How to Design Interface
Показано 19 - 27 (всего 33 позиций)
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