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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 21 Steps to Become an Awesome Public Speaker
 21 Steps to Become an Awesome Public Speaker

 Автор: Jordana Borensztajn

  If public speaking is on your bucket list, wish list, or even top fears list, this pocketbook – literally designed to slip into your back pocket before you get on stage – will provide you with doses of inspiration to build your public speaking toolkit.<br /> <br />This bite-size book is made up of 21 easy-to-apply and entertaining steps you can implement over a 3-week period to grow and develop your presentation skills.<br /> &
 Media Training for Modern Leaders
 Media Training for Modern Leaders

 Автор: Pete Burdon

  Never fear the news media again!<br /> <br />If you've always had that underlying fear of media attention, Media Training for Modern Leaders is for you. Written specifically for today's leaders, you'll learn how to face the media confidently in any situation. International author and media expert Pete Burdon shares his years of experience as a journalist and high level media adviser. He shows you how to turn news media

 Автор: Melanie Lumsden-Ablan

  g'day mate'<br /> <br />Youz all know what that means, right? So why, ya reckon, do youz need this little black book?<br />Aussies speak English, don't they? Bloody oath! But hang on a tick, no one's gunna tell ya you'll need a translator!<br /> <br />So, if you wanna sound like a 'tru blu dinki di Ocka' (that's a real Aussie to you) &amp; for the 'silly buggers'

 Non-Boring Travel Writing
 Non-Boring Travel Writing

 Автор: Hazel Edwards

  Record travel experiences in ways others will want to read, for family, blog or professional audiences.<br /> <br />Revised digital edition due to demand.<br /> <br />Tips on using anecdotes, titles, structuring, apt viewpoints and creating a sense of place. Interviewing and research skills. Activities can be used by professional writing courses. Sample published articles with tips on crafting for that audience.
 The American Theatre Reader
 The American Theatre Reader

 Автор: Группа авторов

  –Only national theatre magazine published in the U.S. -Numerous editorial and design awards over the years -Essays by Eric Bentley, Eric Bogosian, Robert Brustein, Christopher Durang, Oskar Eustis, Zelda Fichandler, Eva La Gallienne, Vaclav Havel, Danny Hoch, Tina Howe, David Henry Hwang, Naomi Iizuki, Adrienne Kennedy, Tony Kushner, Kristin Linklater, Todd London, Robert MacNeil, Des McAnuff, Conor McPherson, Marsha Norman, Suzan-Lori Parks, Ha
 Collected Stories
 Collected Stories

 Автор: Donald Margulies

  In Collected Stories, playwright Donald Margulies explores the vexed emotional and legal question of a writer's right to create art from the biographical material of another person's life–particularly when that other person is also a writer. Meditating upon the recent, real-life conflict between poet Stephen Spender and novelist David Leavitt, Margulies has created two of the most vivid and moving fictional characters of his career: Ru
 The Playwright's Voice
 The Playwright's Voice

 Автор: Группа авторов

  &bull; first volume sales: over 10,000 copies since 1988 In Their Own Words, 0930452704, 2400 sold. &bull; interviews with the leading American Playwrights. &bull; 16 interviews &bull; photos and introductions &bull; Big galley run
 Stage Writers Handbook
 Stage Writers Handbook

 Автор: Dana Singer

  &bull;Audience includes those who buy The Daramatists Sourcebook. &bull;May be revised every 2-3 years. (Possibly an on-going project.
 In Their Own Words
 In Their Own Words

 Автор: David Savran

  Includes: Lee Breuer, Christopher Durang, Richard Foreman, Maria Irene Fornes, Charles Fuller, John Guare, Joan Holden, David Henry Hwang, David Mamet, Emily Mann, Richard Nelson, Marsha Norman, David Rabe, Wallace Shawn, Stephen Sondheim, Megan Terry, Luis Valdez, Michael Weller, August Wilson and Lanford Wilson.
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