Have you ever wanted to write a book?<br><br>Have you started to write your book, but weren't able to finish?<br><br>Are you ready to learn how to get a book published?<br><br>Discover inside secrets to: <br><br>– Writing a book fast<br><br>– Where and how to start writing your book<br><br>– Finding the time in your busy life to write and finish a book<br><b ...
Hey, lighten up! And help your customers and co-workers have a little fun too. There's nothing like Funny Business available anywhere (that's why we wrote it). Find out how to put humor in your writing – and get away with it! Memos, letters, social media – make it all a little funnier.<br><br>Here's just some of what you'll get:<br>– The Basics of a Working Joke <br>– Wh ...
(Let's Talk Arabic) is the faster and easier way to learn this language as it is:<br><br>– A comprehensive book that will have you speaking Arabic with confidence in no time as it includes:<br><br>– 15 step-by-step lessons<br>– Practical vocabulary and authentic everyday usage<br>– Simple explanations and plenty of examples<br>– Supplemental sections, including e-mail and internet resources<br ...
This is selected samples of the full ebook 'WORD POWER!' which is an awesome project that all together contains hundreds of valuable words-of-power, in BOLD & colorful format.<br><br>The words are organized by color, & alphabetically within each color, including: white, ALL, magenta, purple, indigo, blue, aqua, green, yellow, orange, red, pink, tan, gold, brown, blended, gray, & black.<br><br>L ...
The BLOG & the JOURNAL explores the fascination of keeping a journal which is the very fascination of life, – its novelty, its unpredictability, its new twists. By expressing yourself in your solitude, you can digest these ever-changing influences in your life and move on a wiser person. The many functions of the journal are discussed, and there are many exercises to help your writing shine a little brighter.<br><br>People h ...
If you always wanted to easily speak of the cuff this little book is for you.<br><br>Thousands of DESCUBRIS' workshop participants have successfully implemented the techniques in this book. You too can learn to give a great impromptu speech without preparation.<br><br>Those moments when you get called upon to say something and you are tongue tied are embarrassing. Some stand there stuttering, have sweaty hands and ...
Эта книга – соединение учебника, пособия,небольшого словаря и легкой для чтения дополнительной литературы. Небольшой текст в стихотворной форме поможет запомнить слова и разговорные шаблоны. Каждый фрагмент/unit содержит перевод, словарь, объяснение грамматики и иллюстрирован цветным фото по теме. Как показал личный опыт автора, история нравится детям и может быть полезна родителям для успешного преодоления проблем начала изучения детьми английс ...
Книга «Итальянский для жизни» посвящена лексике, тщательно отобранной на основе общения с носителями языка в социальной, бытовой и рабочей среде.Выпуск содержит более 1800 слов и выражений и рассчитан на читателя с уровнем владения языком А1-А2 и выше, знакомого с фонетикой, употреблением артиклей и умеющего спрягать итальянские глаголы и т. д. Серия годится для изучения итальянского языка самостоятельно или с преподавателем.