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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 Grammatik. Substantive. Ubungsbuch
 Grammatik. Substantive. Ubungsbuch

 Автор: A. Dittrich

  Dieses Arbeitsbuch fokussiert sich auf das grammatikalische Thema der Substantive. Damit konnen Deutschlernende verschiedene Fahigkeiten im Umgang mit Substantiven erwerben und uben. Dieses Ubungsbuch kann in Bildungseinrichtungen, in Deutschkursen sowie im Selbststudium verwendet werden.
 Pinched. Адаптированный американский рассказ для чтения, перевода, пересказа и аудирования
 Pinched. Адаптированный американский рассказ для чтения, перевода, пересказа и аудирования

 Автор: Джек Лондон

  Учебное пособие состоит из упражнения на чтение, аудирование и перевод оригинала американского рассказа, адаптированного по методике © Лингвистический Реаниматор, с английского языка на русский; и контрольного упражнения на перевод и пересказ неадаптированного английского варианта этого же рассказа. Пособие содержит 5 416 английских слов, идиом и американизмов. Рекомендуется широкому кругу лиц, изучающих английский язык на уровнях А2—С2.

 Автор: Carlos Labbe

  "[Labbé] wreaks havoc on narrative rules from the start and keeps doing it."—Bookforum Loquela, Carlos Labbé's fourth novel and second to be translated into English, is a narrative chameleon, a shape-shifting exploration of fiction's possibilities. At a basic level, this book is like a hybrid of Julio Cortázar and Paul Auster: a distorted detective novel, a love story, and a radical stat

 Bird by Bird
 Bird by Bird

 Автор: Anne Lamott

  Bird by Bird is the bible of writing guides – a wry, honest, down-to-earth book that has never stopped selling since it was first published in the United States in the 1990s. Bestselling novelist and memoirist Anne Lamott distils what she's learned over years of trial and error. Beautifully written, wise and immensely helpful, this is the book for all serious writers and writers-to-be.
 Pharos Afrikaansgids
 Pharos Afrikaansgids

 Автор: Nicolaas Faasen
 English for Life Reader Grade 9 Home Language
 English for Life Reader Grade 9 Home Language

 Автор: Elaine Ridge

  A reading book like never before! The English for Life Reader for Grade 9 Home Language was developed according to the requirements of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement for teaching reading in the Senior Phase. The book is divided according to different genres of texts appropriate for learners in this phase. The English for Life Reader comprises short stories, a drama, poems and folk tales. The learners will expand their reading ski
 English for Life Reader Grade 8 Home Language
 English for Life Reader Grade 8 Home Language

 Автор: Elaine Ridge

  A reading book like never before! The English for Life Reader for Grade 8 Home Language was developed according to the requirements of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement for teaching reading in the Senior Phase. The book is divided according to different genres of texts appropriate for learners in this phase. The English for Life Reader comprises short stories, a drama, poems and folk tales.
The learners will expand their rea
 English for Life Reader Grade 7 Home Language
 English for Life Reader Grade 7 Home Language

 Автор: Elaine Ridge

  A reading book like never before! The English for Life Reader for Grade 7 Home Language was developed according to the requirements of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement for teaching reading in the Senior Phase. The book is divided according to different genres of texts appropriate for learners in this phase. The English for Life Reader comprises short stories, a drama, poems and folk tales.
The learners will expand their rea
 'n Dief aan die kers - Skelm woorde deur die eeue
 'n Dief aan die kers - Skelm woorde deur die eeue

 Автор: Anton F. Prinsloo

  "Hierdie splinternuwe boek deur dr. Anton F. Prinsloo beskryf hoe die oorspronklike betekenisse van ongeveer 1 000 Afrikaanse woorde metterjare so verander het dat die betekenisse wat ons vandag ken, byna hoegenaamd nie sin maak nie.
So byvoorbeeld het die woord «ambisie» eeue gelede niks met ’n sterk strewe na sukses en vooruitgang te doen gehad nie. As iemand in daardie eeue ambisie gehad het, het die persoon soos ’n bedelaar van
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