lay/Write: Digital Rhetoric, Writing, Games is an edited collection of essays that examines the relationship between games and writing – examining how writing functions both within games and the networks of activity that surround games and gameplay. The collection is organized based on the primary location and function of the game-writing relationship, examining writing about games (games as objects of critique and sites of rhetorical action), a ...
This book offers multi-method case studies of course-based tutoring and one-to-one tutorials in developmental first-year writing courses at two universities. The author makes an argument for more peer-to-peer learning situations for developmental writers and more detailed studies of what goes on in these peer-centered environments. ...
Ecologies of Writing Programs: Profiles of Writing Programs in Context features profiles of exemplary and innovative writing programs across varied institutions. Situated within an ecological framework, the book explores the dynamic inter-relationships as well as the complex rhetorical and material conditions that writing programs inhabit—conditions and relationships that are constantly in flux as writing program administrators negotiate constra ...