Many of us live dual lives, as though we live in two worlds. This divergence is perhaps greatest for those embedded in what may be called «multiculturalism.» Multicultural people, with their unique life experiences, are migrating around the globe, carrying their own baggage while they face the demands of living in new and strange lands. The short stories in this collection look at the daily tests facing people, frequently in Africa, as they stru ...
From the beginning the bright and articulate English teacher and the tall, strong, and equally bright minister sense they are different, but they assume they can still enjoy a friendship. And they do; Mary Kerrigan and Walter Macdonald play and probe and spar. Then the unanticipated happens: friendship deepens into love, and differences that were intriguing when they were just friends become ominous. She's irreverent; he's traditional. ...
Southern Discomfort tells the story of Masey Bumgarner, recently widowed, who returns from her summer vacation to discover that her town, Pineville, North Carolina, has decided to pave a four-lane highway through her front yard . . . without her permission or even sufficient advance notice. After consultation with her pastor, she decides to contest the location of this project in court. Along the way, her lawyer and his detective discover all so ...
When we enter the temple, we enter heaven (Orthodox idea). When we go to church, we enter the kingdom of heaven. Heaven and earth are made one. It is the marriage of heaven and earth. At Christ's incarnation and at his death and resurrection, the cosmos was redeemed. The fall unraveling. We still must carry our cross and die daily, eventually physically. But there is great hope. When we follow Christ, we are transformed in this life and at ...
Writing Academic Papers is a book for undergraduate students in higher learning institutions and colleges designed to help them accomplish their academic paper assignments. This book comprises most materials necessary for students to write convincing and persuasive academic papers. It defines an academic paper, explains its importance in higher education, and outlines the necessary steps in writing a well-presented, well-argued, and well-documen ...
Сборник упражнений способствует ускоренному усвоению грамматики в опоре на глаголы в стихах и диалогах с высокой результативностью на основе схем, минимизации ошибок и трудностей. Упражнения необременительны за счет полезного содержания, его эмоциональности, возможности индивидуального отбора по сложности и количеству. Корректный язык речевого общения. Редактор – носитель немецкого языка. Содержит ответы.
В книге дан сборник американских рассказов «The Road» для чтения, перевода, пересказа и аудирования. Пособие содержит 50 931 английское слово. Рекомендуется широкому кругу лиц, изучающих английский язык, начиная с уровня В2 и выше. Цель книг данной серии – решить проблему слабого восприятия/невосприятия английской/американской речи на слух. Советую вам прорабатывать представленный материал не спеша, но обязательно тщательно и ежедневно.
В сборник вошли статьи о проведении карнавала в пионерском лагере и о кружке любителей русского языка, а также инсценировки на темы русского языка. В приложении даны тезисы выступлений на темы семейного и школьного воспитания.Книга будет интересна специалистам по школьному образованию и семейному воспитанию, а также всем, кого интересует педагогика.