Through the ages, rabies has exemplified the danger of diseases that transfer from wild animals to humans and their domestic stock. In South Africa, rabies has been on the rise since the latter part of the twentieth century despite the availability of postexposure vaccines and regular inoculation campaigns for dogs. In Mad Dogs and Meerkats: A History of Resurgent Rabies in Southern Africa , Karen Brown links the increase of rabies to the HIV/A ...
In August 2004, South Africa officially sought to legally recognize the practice of traditional healers. Largely in response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic, and limited both by the number of practitioners and by patients’ access to treatment, biomedical practitioners looked toward the country’s traditional healers as important agents in the development of medical education and treatment. This collaboration has not been easy. The two medical cultures e ...
Twenty years before his famous trial, Galileo Galilei had spent two years carefully considering how the results of his own telescopic observations of the heavens as well as his convictions about the truth of the Copernican theory could be aligned with the Catholic Church's position on biblical interpretation and the authority of the magisterium. The product of these two years was an unpublished letter to the Grand Duchess Christina of Tusca ...
We all live our daily lives surrounded by the products of technology that make what we do simpler, faster, and more efficient. These are benefits we often just take for granted. But at the same time, as these products disburden us of unwanted tasks that consumed much time and effort in earlier eras, many of them also leave us more disengaged from our natural and even human surroundings. It is the task of what Gene Moriarty calls focal engineerin ...
Пришелец с далекой планеты, потеряв свою подругу, вынужден остаться на Терре, где его захватывает водоворот событий эпохи. Третья книга цикла повествует о новых событиях в жизни Нао на Терре. Его судьба пересекается с удивительными людьми – великими воинами, знаменитым лекарем и одной загадочной старухой из древних легенд, тайна которой раскрылась самым невероятным образом.
The Hubble Space Telescope is one of the most important scientific and engineering endeavors of our time. It has given humankind the first truly clear view of the heavens and has revolutionized almost every area of modern astronomy. The author this text, David Leckrone, worked as a project scientist on Hubble for 33 years. From 1992–2009 he was the Senior Project Scientist for Hubble at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. In that role he had an ...
Данная книга посвящена изучению истории тюркского народа "печенегов" и их государства "Печенежского ханства". Книга предназначена для широкого круга читателей, интересующихся историей.
This book of Japanese history explores the development of science and technology in traditional Japanese society.It may be surprising to some readers familiar with the history of Japan that that scientific thought existed at all in traditional Japan. However, Science and Culture in Traditional Japan show the development of premodern science in Japan in the context of that country's social and intellectual milieu.Anyone who wishes to underst ...